Troubleshooting Performance of Categorized Objects

Veeam ONE Client includes a set of dashboards that give you enhanced control over categorized virtual infrastructure objects and facilitate the troubleshooting process:

  • Top N dashboards display top and bottom resource consumers in a group:
    • To view VMs that consume the greatest amount of compute, network and storage resources, choose the necessary VM group in the inventory pane and go to the Top Objects tab.
    • To view the most loaded hosts, choose the necessary host group in the inventory pane and navigate to Top Objects > Top Hosts.
    • To view the least loaded hosts, choose the necessary host group in the inventory pane and navigate to Top Objects > Bottom Hosts.

For more information on the Top and Lowest Load dashboards, see VMware vSphere Top Objects and Microsoft Hyper-V Top Objects.

  • Tasks & Events dashboard shows tasks and events targeted for categorized objects.

To view the list of tasks and events for a categorized virtual infrastructure object, select it in the inventory pane and go to the Tasks & Events tab.

  • Processes dashboard provides control over processes and services running inside the guest OS of a VM.
    • For Windows- based machines, you can view, end or restart processes.
    • You can view or end daemons on Linux-based machines.

To view the list of processes, select the necessary VM in the inventory pane and go to the Processes tab.

For more information on VM processes, see VMware vSphere In-Guest Processes and Microsoft Hyper-V In-Guest Processes.

  • Console view allows you to access the VM guest OS right from the Veeam ONE Client interface.

To access a VM console, select the necessary VM in the inventory pane and go to the Console tab.

For more information on working with VM console, see VMware vSphere VM Console and Microsoft Hyper-V VM Console.