To manipulate values in grouping expressions, you can use the following operators:
Operator | Return Data Type | Description | Example |
+ | Text (string) Numeric | Joins two string values to one string. Adds two numeric values. | For a VM included in a replication job, expression "Replication Job: " + ReplicationJob retuns a string similar to Replication Job: Webserver Daily Replication. Expression 2 + 2 returns 4. Expression 2.05 + 1 returns 3.05. |
* | Numeric | Multiplies numeric values. | Expression 2 * 2 returns 4. Expression 100 * 0.5 returns 50. |
/ | Numeric | Divides first numeric value into the second. | Expression 2 / 2 returns 1. Expression 100 / 50 returns 2. |
- | Numeric | Subtracts the second numeric value from the first. | Expression 2 - 1 returns 1. Expression 100 - 0.5 returns 99.5. |
< | Boolean | Less than. Returns True if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand. Otherwise, returns False. | For a VM, expression Memory < 2048 returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is less than 2048 MB. |
<= | Boolean | Less than or equal to. Returns True if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand. Otherwise, returns False. | For a VM, expression Memory <= 2048 returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is less than or equal to 2048 MB. |
> | Boolean | Greater than. Returns True if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand. Otherwise, returns False. | For a VM, expression Memory > 2048 returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is greater than 2048 MB. |
>= | Boolean | Greater than or equal to. Returns True if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand. Otherwise, returns False. | For a VM, expression Memory >= 2048 returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is greater than or equal to 2048 MB. |
= | Boolean | Equal. Returns True if the value of left operand is the same as the value of right operand. Otherwise, returns False. | For a VM, expression Memory = 2048 returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is equal to 2048 MB. For a VM, expression Name = "vdi001" returns True if the VM name is vdi001. |
<> | Boolean | Not equal. Returns True if the value of left operand is not the same as the value of right operand. Otherwise, returns False. | For a VM, expression Memory <> 2048 returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is less or greater than 2048 MB. For a VM, expression Tag(department) <> "support" returns True if a tag of the department category assigned to a VM is other than support. |
and | Text (string) | Joins conditions with a logical AND operator. | For a VM, expression Memory = 2048 and Name = "vdi001" returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is equal to 2048 MB and the VM name is vdi001. |
or | Text (string) | Joins conditions with a logical OR operator. | For a VM, expression Memory = 2048 or Name = "vdi001" returns True if the amount of memory configured for a VM is equal to 2048 MB or the VM name is vdi001. |