Short Description
Returns files in a selected restore point.
Applies to
Platform: VMware
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus
Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] |
Related Commands
Detailed Description
This cmdlet returns files in a selected restore point.
With this cmdlet, you can get files in restore points created by all types of jobs: backup jobs, backup copy jobs, replication jobs, vCD jobs and Endpoint backup jobs (for Endpoint backups, only volume level backups).
You can get the list of all files in a selected restore point or look for instances directly by name.
Return Type
Parameter | Description | Required | Position | Accept | Accept |
RestorePoint | Specifies the restore points for which you want to get the list of files. | True | 1 | True (ByValue, | False |
Name | Specifies the name of the file(s) you want to get, or search conditions. You can specify multiple names separated by commas. | False | Named | False | True |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see
Example 1
This command gets the list of files in the last restore point of the backup named "Webservices Backup". The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down.
PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "Webservices Backup" | Select -Last 1 | Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint |
Example 2
This command gets the list of files in the restore point represented by the $restorepoint variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand.