Capacity Planning for Backup Repositories

The Capacity Planning for Backup Repositories report forecasts free space utilization for backup repositories.

The Capacity Planning for Backup Repositories report estimates the amount of free space available on backup repositories and forecasts how many days remain before the repository will run out of free space.

To calculate future space usage, the report analyzes the amount of free space for the specified period in the past, calculates the free space utilization trend and applies this trend to the forecast horizon. For better forecast accuracy, along with the performance trend the report provides trend’s confidence interval that represent the best- and worst-case scenarios. This allows you to estimate various possible outcomes and helps you rationally plan your resources.

If the specified free space threshold is breached within the forecast interval, the report marks the repository as problematic. The report also provides recommendations on how to adjust repository storage resources to meet future capacity demands: it calculates the amount of additional space that needs to be provisioned to accommodate backup files in future.

Sample Usage

This section provides step-by-step instructions that will help you understand how to create the Capacity Planning for Backup Repositories report. Consider the following example:

You need to forecast the number of days left before the amount of free space on the selected backup repositories decreases to 30%. Use the historical performance data for the previous month to calculate the free space utilization trend.

To create the report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Capacity Planning for Backup Repositories report.
  2. Define time intervals.
  3. Choose a report scope.
  4. Choose a threshold value.
  5. Choose how to display report charts.
  6. Run the report.
  7. View the report output.