Heatmap Dashboards
Heatmap dashboards compare two dimensions of performance metric values for objects and represent data as a heatmap. Heatmap objects are represented both by size of each heatmap tile, and by the color of each tile. Tiles are also grouped.
There are 4 heatmap dashboards available in the root Veeam Backup and Replication folder:
- Heatmap - Backup Repositories Free Space dashboard shows capacity (in GB) and free space (in percentage) for backup repositories.
- Heatmap - Scale-Out Backup Repositories Free Space - Performance Tier dashboard shows capacity (in GB) and free space (in percentage) for the performance tier of scale-out backup repositories and their extents.
If an object storage repository is added as a performance extent, MP for Veeam Backup & Replication will not be able to display the % of free space for this repository.
- Heatmap - Scale-Out Backup Repositories Used Space - Archive Tier dashboard shows used space (in GB and in percentage) for the archive tier of scale-out backup repositories and their extents.
If the amount of space allocated to an object storage repository added as an archive extent is unlimited, MP for Veeam Backup & Replication will display the % of free space as 0 %. Note that the dashboard does not include unlimited object storage repositories with 0 GB of used space.
- Heatmap - Scale-Out Backup Repositories Used Space - Capacity Tier dashboard shows used space (in GB and in percentage) for the capacity tier of scale-out backup repositories and their extents.
If the amount of space allocated to an object storage repository added as a capacity extent is unlimited, MP for Veeam Backup & Replication will display the % of free space as 0 %. Note that the dashboard does not include unlimited object storage repositories with 0 GB of used space.
Example screenshot below shows the Heatmap - Backup Repositories Free Space dashboard. The size of each tile represents each repository capacity; and the color of the tile represents the % of free space.