Performing Backup Policy Actions

You can use actions from the backup policy menu to manage backup policies.

To open the menu of a backup policy, do the following:

  1. Select Flex Backups on the left.
  2. In the Customer field, select a customer. To quickly find a customer with a specific name, start typing the name in the field.
  3. In the list of policies, click the menu on the right of the policy for which you want to perform an action and do one of the following:
  • Select Edit to add or remove backed-up objects and to change the schedule. For details, see Editing Flex Backup Policies.
  • Select Start to run a backup. Select Stop to stop a backup that is already running.
  • Select Disable to prevent the policy from starting scheduled jobs. Then, confirm the policy disabling. Select Enable to allow the schedule again.
  • Select Delete to delete the policy. Then, confirm the deletion of the policy.

Performing Local Menu Actions