Creating Roles
You can create custom user roles with specific permissions to differentiate access to portal features for other users.
To create a role, do the following:
- Select Settings on the left.
- Select Roles.
- Click Add new role.
- In the Create role window, specify the following:
- In the Name field, specify a unique name of the role.
- The Monitoring Access permission is selected by default to allow read-only access to the portal.
- Select Site Settings to allow the role to access the Settings section. This permission also grants access to the General page of the Settings section. For details, see Managing Portal Settings.
- Select User Management to allow the role to manage users and user roles of the portal. For details, see Managing Users and Managing Roles.
- Select Customer Management to allow the role to add and edit customers. For details, see Managing Customers.
- Select Backup Management to allow the role to create the first backup policy, manage backup policies of your customers, and export backup sessions. For details, see Creating First Backup Policy and Viewing Backup Logs.
- Select Advanced backup management to allow the role to create additional backup policies and manage backup policies of your customers. To use this permission, you must also select Backup Management. For details on how to manage backup policies, see Performing Backup.
- Click OK to create the role.