Veeam Alert Statistics Report

The Veeam Alert Statistics Report shows the alert statistics for given filter parameters. This report extends the functionality of the Microsoft Generic Report Library by adding a number of advanced possibilities for analyzing your environment from an alert perspective.

Alert Statistics

The report allows analysis of alert statistics for the selected period in two modes — per-rule/monitor statistics (Alert Statistics mode) and per-object statistics (Troublemakers mode).

  • The Alert Statistics mode helps you detect what rules or monitors trigger the vast majority of alerts in the managed environment. This mode is particularly useful if you have just installed new management packs or changed configuration of existing management packs. The report will help you reveal rules, monitors and MPs from which alerts originate and decide whether you need to reconfigure these rules and monitors to reduce the “noise”.
  • The Troublemakers mode helps you identify infrastructure objects that cause alerts. A large number of alerts raised for a specific object may indicate a failure state of the object, or may signal that you need to adjust rules and monitors for the object to reduce the “noise”.

Detail Levels

The report offers two levels of detail for every mode. The Alert Statistics mode shows per-rule/monitor statistics at the first level and itemizes the statistics by troublemaker at the details level. The Troublemakers mode shows statistics for troublemakers at the first level and itemizes the statistics by rule/monitor at the details level.

Comparing Time Intervals

The Veeam Alert Statistics Report allows you to specify one or two time intervals in report parameters. You can choose one time interval to analyze alerting activity across a specific period. You can also choose two time intervals to check how alerting activity for one period has changed in comparison to another period.

Management Pack Selection

The Veeam Alert Statistics Report allows you to choose management packs to include in the report. This type of report filtering helps you narrow analysis scope and analyze only rules and monitors included in specific management packs.

Interactive Table

To obtain a detailed performance statistics, you can drill down to the Veeam Alert History Report directly from the report page, by clicking a number in the Count #1 and Count #2 columns of the output table.

Sample Usage

This section provides step-by-step instructions that will help you understand how to create the Veeam Alert Statistics Report. Consider the following example:

You tuned rules and monitors to reduce the alert “noise” that comes from Windows computers. You want to analyze how the changes affected the alert activity and decide whether further configuration of rules and monitors is necessary.

The Veeam Alert Statistics Report can help you analyze alerting activity for two time intervals (before and after you made the changes) and answer the following questions:

  • How has the number of alerts changed since you made changes?
  • What rules and monitors are now triggering the majority of alerts? Specifically, what rules and monitors might need additional tuning?

To create the report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Veeam Alert Statistics Report.
  2. Define time intervals.
  3. Choose a report mode.
  4. Choose a report scope.
  5. Choose management packs.
  6. Run the report.
  7. View the report output.