Number vs. #
In Veeam technical documentation, we do not use the word number and the pound sign (#) to reference procedure steps, examples, table rows and table columns.
To reference a particular procedure step, use the ordinal number of the step. To reference a particular example, table row or table column, name the example, row or column explicitly.
Tip |
In addition, omit the word number and the pound sign when creating titles for steps, examples, deployment scenarios and any other elements that must have ordinal numbers. For example, Scenario 1: Simple Deployment, Step 3. Specify Export Reason and Example 1 (Failing Over to VM Replica Using Its Latest Restore Point). |
- To select a new document template that will be used to create documents for the plan, follow the instructions provided in step 4J.
- If the Recover the VMs in each Group > In sequence option is selected for a VM group, VMs in the group will be processed in the order they appear in the Virtual Machines column.