In Veeam technical documentation, we use numerals for all cardinal numbers greater than one and spell out all ordinal numbers. The only exception is the way we spell 3rd party.
Important |
- The report will show top 5 datastores with the largest amount of over-provisioned storage space for this month.
- The notification will remain displayed in the control panel until Veeam Agent for Linux completes the first backup job session.
- You can synchronize categorization data between Veeam ONE Monitor and a 3rd party application every time data collection runs.
- Note that the tag synchronization process may take up to 3.5 hours to complete.
- Additionally, for users with tape installations (for file to tape jobs processing more than 1,000,000 files), the following requirements must be met:
- 1.5 GB RAM for file to tape backup for each 1,000,000 files
- 2.6 GB RAM for file restore for each 1,000,000 files
- 1.3 GB RAM for catalog jobs for each 1,000,000 files