Short Description
Creates a a Microsoft Entra ID tenant backup job.
Applies to
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
Add-VBREntraIDTenantBackupJob [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] -Tenant <VBREntraIDTenant> [-RetentionPolicy <Int32>] [-NotificationOptions <VBRNotificationOptions>] [-EnableSchedule] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRServerScheduleOptions>] [-EncryptionOptions <VBREncryptionOptions>] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet creates a backup job that protects a Microsoft Entra ID tenant.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept |
Tenant | Specifies the tenant whose data you want to back up. | Accepts the VBREntraIDTenant object. To get this object, run the Get-VBREntraIDTenant cmdlet. | True | Named | False |
Name | Specifies the name of the tenant backup job. | String | False | Named | False |
Description | Specifies the description of the tenant backup job. | String | False | Named | False |
RetentionPolicy | Specifies the retention policy in days for backups created by the tenant backup job. | Int32 | False | Named | False |
NotificationOptions | Specifies notification options. The cmdlet will create the tenant backup job with these notification options. | Accepts the VBRNotificationOptions object. To create this object, run the New-VBRNotificationOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
EnableSchedule | Defines that the cmdlet will enable the custom schedule for the tenant backup job. If you provide this parameter, the tenant backup job will run according to the schedule specified in ScheduleOptions. Otherwise, to run the job, you will need to start it manually. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
ScheduleOptions | Specifies schedule options. | Accepts the VBRServerScheduleOptions object. To create this object, run the New-VBRServerScheduleOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) |
EncryptionOptions | Specifies encryption options. | Accepts the VBREncryptionOptions object. To create this object, run the New-VBREncryptionOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
The cmdlet returns the VBREntraIDTenantBackupJob object that contains setting of the created tenant backup job.
Creating Entra ID Tenant Backup Job
This example shows how to add a tenant backup job with scheduling options and enabled encryption.
$tenant = Get-VBREntraIdTenant -AzureTenantId "xxxx" $daily = New-VBRDailyOptions -DayOfWeek Friday -Period 7:00 $scheduleOptions = New-VBRServerScheduleOptions -Type Daily -DailyOptions $daily $encKey = Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "For Entra ID encryption" $encOptions = New-VBREncryptionOptions -EnableEncryption -EncryptionKey $encKey $backupJob = Add-VBREntraIDTenantBackupJob -Name "Tenant Backup" -Tenant $tenant -EnableSchedule -ScheduleOptions $scheduleOptions -EncryptionOptions $encOptions |
Perform the following steps:
- Run the Get-VBREntraIdTenant cmdlet. Specify the AzureTenantId parameter value. Save the result to the $tenant variable.
- Run the New-VBRDailyOptions cmdlet. Specify the DayOfWeek and Period parameter values. Save the result to the $daily variable.
- Run the New-VBRServerScheduleOptions cmdlet. Set the Daily value as the Type parameter value. Set the $daily variable as the DailyOptions parameter value. Save the result to the $scheduleOptions variable.
- Run the Get-VBREncryptionKey cmdlet. Specify the Description parameter value. Save the result to the $encKey variable.
- Run the New-VBREncryptionOptions cmdlet. Specify the EnableEncryption parameter. Set the $encKey variable as the EncryptionKey parameter value. Save the result to the $encOptions variable.
- Run the Add-VBREntraIDTenantBackupJob cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
- Specify the Name parameter value.
- Set the $tenant variable as the Tenant parameter value.
- Provide the EnableSchedule parameter.
- Set the $scheduleOptions variable as the ScheduleOptions parameter value.
- Set the $encOptions variable as the EncryptionOptions parameter value.
- Save the result to the $backupJob variable.
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