Short Description
Modifies protection groups.
Applies to
Product Edition: Community, Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
Set-VBRProtectionGroup -ProtectionGroup <VBRProtectionGroup> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Container <VBRProtectionGroupContainer>] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRProtectionGroupScheduleOptions>] [-DeploymentOptions <VBRProtectionGroupDeploymentOptions>] [-AdvancedOptions <VBRProtectionGroupAdvancedWindowsOptions>] [-NotificationOptions <VBRProtectionGroupNotificationOptions>] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet modifies settings of a protection group.
Note |
To modify settings, specify new values for the necessary parameters. The cmdlet will overwrite the previous parameter values with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept Pipeline Input |
ProtectionGroup | Specifies the protection group you want to modify. | Accepts the VBRProtectionGroup object. To get this object, run the Get-VBRProtectionGroup cmdlet. | True | Named | True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) |
Container | Specifies the protection scope. The protection scope can contain the following objects: - Active Directory objects.
- Individual computers.
- Cloud machines.
- Computers imported from a CSV file.
- Computers with pre-installed backup agents.
- MongoDB Replica sets.
The cmdlet will modify the protection group with this protection scope. | Accepts the following objects: To get this object, run one of the following cmdlets: | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
Name | Specifies the name you want to assign to the protection group. | String | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
Description | Specifies the description of the protection group. | String | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
ScheduleOptions | Specifies the discovery schedule. The cmdlet will use this schedule to perform discovery operations for computers in the protection group. | Accepts the VBRProtectionGroupScheduleOptions object. To get this object, run the New-VBRProtectionGroupScheduleOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
DeploymentOptions | Specifies Veeam Agent deployment settings. The cmdlet will use these settings to install Veeam Agent on the discovered computers in the protection group. | Accepts the VBRProtectionGroupDeploymentOptions object. To get this object, run the New-VBRProtectionGroupDeploymentOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
AdvancedOptions | Specifies settings for Veeam Agent for Windows deployed on computers in the protection group. You can specify the following settings: - Network usage settings
- Throttling settings
- Security settings
| Accepts the VBRProtectionGroupAdvancedWindowsOptions object. To get this object, run the New-VBRProtectionGroupAdvancedWindowsOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
NotificationOptions | Specifies notification settings for the protection group. | Accepts the VBRProtectionGroupNotificationOptions object. To get this object, run the New-VBRProtectionGroupNotificationOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | True (ByProperty Name) |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
Example 1. Adding Computer to Protection Group
This example shows how to add a computer to an existing protection group. $group = Get-VBRProtectionGroup -Name Computers $comp = $group.Container.CustomCredentials $supervisor = New-VBRIndividualComputerCustomCredentials -HostName support.east.local -Credentials support\jsmith $comp += $supervisor $newcomp = Set-VBRIndividualComputerContainer -Container $group.Container -CustomCredentials $comp Set-VBRProtectionGroup -ProtectionGroup $group -Container $newcomp |
Perform the following steps: - Run the Get-VBRProtectionGroup cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $group variable.
- Use the Container.CustomCredentials property of the $group variable. Save the result to the $comp variable.
- Run the New-VBRIndividualComputerCustomCredentials cmdlet. Specify the HostName and the Credentials parameter values. Save the result to the $supervisor variable.
- Add the computer to the group of computers in the $comp variable. Use the += operator.
- Run the Set-VBRIndividualComputerContainer cmdlet. Set the Container property of the $group variable as the Container parameter value. Set the $comp variable as the CustomCredentials parameter value. Save the result to the $newcomp variable.
- Run the Set-VBRProtectionGroup cmdlet. Set the $group variable as the ProtectionGroup parameter value. Set the $newcomp variable as the Container parameter value.
Example 2. Removing Exclusions from Protection Group
This example shows how to remove exclusions from a protection group for Microsoft Active Directory Objects. $group = Get-VBRProtectionGroup -Name "AD PG" $ADcontainer = $group.Container $newcontaineroptions = @{ Entity = $ADcontainer.Entity Domain = $ADcontainer.Domain ExcludeVMs = $ADcontainer.ExcludeVMs ExcludeOfflineComputers = $ADcontainer.ExcludeOfflineComputers ExcludeComputers = $False MasterCredentials = $ADcontainer.MasterCredentials UseCustomCredentials = $ADcontainer.UseCustomCredentials CustomCredentials = $ADcontainer.CustomCredentials } $newADcontainer = New-VBRADContainer @newcontaineroptions Set-VBRProtectionGroup -ProtectionGroup $group -Container $newADcontainer |
Perform the following steps: - Run the Get-VBRProtectionGroup cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $group variable.
- Use the Container property of the $group variable. Save the result to the $ADcontainer variable.
- Define the scope and settings of AD objects for the new container by creating a hashtable:
- Use the Entity property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the Entity key value.
- Use the Domain property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the Domain key value.
- Use the ExcludeVMs property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the ExcludeVMs key value.
- Use the ExcludeOfflineComputers property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the ExcludeOfflineComputers key value.
- Set $False as the ExcludeComputers property value.
- Use the MasterCredentials property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the MasterCredentials key value.
- Use the UseCustomCredentials property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the UseCustomCredentials key value.
- Use the CustomCredentials property of the $ADcontainer variable. Save the result as the CustomCredentials key value.
Save the result to the $newcontaineroptions variable. - Run the New-VBRADContainer cmdlet. Use the $newcontaineroptions variable with splatting to define the scope and settings of AD objects for the new container. Save the result to the $newADcontainer variable.
- Run the Set-VBRProtectionGroup cmdlet. Set the $group variable as the ProtectionGroup parameter value. Set the $newADcontainer variable as the Container parameter value.
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