Short Description
Creates Cloud Director subtenant accounts.
Applies to
Platform: VMware
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
Add-VBRvCDCloudSubTenant -vCDTenant <VBRvCDCloudTenant> -vCDOrganizationUser <VBRvCloudOrganizationUser> -Resources <VBRCloudSubTenantResource[]> [-Description <String>] [-Disabled] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet creates new Cloud Director subtenant accounts.
Before creating a Cloud Director subtenant account, you must perform the following: - Add the Cloud Director tenant into your Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure.
- Create users in VMware Cloud Director. The Cloud Director users must be granted the role, different from the administrator one.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept Pipeline Input |
vCDTenant | Specifies the Cloud Director tenant account. Veeam Backup & Replication will check for the existing users on this tenant, to add them as the subtenant into the backup infrastructure. | Accepts the VBRvCDCloudTenant object. To get this object, run the Get-VBRCloudTenant cmdlet. | True | Named | True, (ByValue, ByPropertyName) |
vCDOrganizationUser | Specifies the Cloud Director user account that you want to add to the subtenant. | Accepts the VBRvCloudOrganizationUser object. To get this object, run the Find-VBRvCloudEntity cmdlet. | True | Named | True, (ByValue, ByPropertyName) |
Resources | Specifies the quota of backup resources that you want to allocate to the Cloud Director subtenant accounts. | Accepts the VBRCloudTenantResource object. To get this object, run the New-VBRCloudSubTenantResource cmdlet. | True | Named | False |
Description | Specifies the description of the Cloud Director subtenant accounts. | String | False | Named | False |
Disabled | Defines that the subtenant is disabled. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
Example 1. Adding Cloud Director Subtenant Account
This example shows how to add a Cloud Director subtenant account to your Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure. The subtenant quota is set to 50 GB. $vcduser = Find-VBRvCloudEntity -OrganizationUser -Name vCDUser $vcdtenant = Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "vCDTenant" $parent = $vcdtenant.Resources[0] $subRes = New-VBRCloudSubTenantResource -Parent $parent -RepositoryFriendlyName "Cloudrepository" -Quota 50 Add-VBRvCDCloudSubTenant -vCDOrganizationUser $vcduser -vCDTenant $vcdtenant -Resources $subRes -Description "NewCloudSubTenant" |
Perform the following steps: - Run the Find-VBRvCloudEntity cmdlet. Provide the OrganizationUser parameter. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $vcduser variable.
- Run the Get-VBRCloudTenant cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $vcdtenant variable.
- Get the parent resources. Use the Resources property of the VBRCloudTenantResource object saved to the $vcdtenant variable. Save the result to the $parent variable.
- Run the New-VBRCloudSubTenantResource cmdlet. Set the $parent variable as the Parent parameter value. Specify the RepositoryFriendlyName and the Quota parameter values. Save the result to the $subRes variable.
- Run the Add-VBRvCDCloudSubTenant cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
- Set the $vcduser variable as the vCDOrganizationUser parameter value.
- Set the $vcdtenant variable as the vCDTenant parameter value.
- Set the $subRes variable as the Resources parameter value.
- Specify the Description parameter value.
Example 2. Adding Cloud Director Subtenant Account with Unlimited Quota
This example shows how to add a Cloud Director subtenant account to your Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure. The subtenant quota is unlimited. $vcduser = Find-VBRvCloudEntity -OrganizationUser -Name vCDUser $vcdtenant = Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "vCDTenant" $subRes = New-VBRCloudSubTenantResource -Parent $vcdtenant.Resources[0] -RepositoryFriendlyName "Cloudrepository" -Unlimited Add-VBRvCDCloudSubTenant -vCDOrganizationUser $vcduser -vCDTenant $vcdtenant -Resources $subRes -Description "NewCloudSubTenant" |
Perform the following steps: - Run the Find-VBRvCloudEntity cmdlet. Provide the OrganizationUser parameter. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $vcduser variable.
- Run the Get-VBRCloudTenant cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $vcdtenant variable.
- Run the New-VBRCloudSubTenantResource cmdlet. Set the Resources property of the VBRCloudTenantResource object saved to the $vcdtenant variable as the Parent parameter value. Specify the RepositoryFriendlyName parameter value. Provide the Unlimited parameter. Save the result to the $subRes variable.
- Run the Add-VBRvCDCloudSubTenant cmdlet. Specify the following settings:
- Set the $vcduser variable as the vCDOrganizationUser parameter value.
- Set the $vcdtenant variable as the vCDTenant parameter value.
- Set the $subRes variable as the Resources parameter value.
- Specify the Description parameter value.
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