Short Description
Retrieves a backup file deleted from the archive tier and preserved by insider protection.
Applies to
Platform: VMware, Hyper-V
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
This cmdlet provides parameter sets that allow you to:
- Retrieve backup files from Amazon S3 Glacier.
Download-VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile -AmazonS3GlacierRetrievalPolicy {Expedited | Standard | Bulk} -BackupFile <VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile> [-Overwrite] [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Retrieve backup files from Microsoft Azure Archive Storage.
Download-VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile -AzureArchiveRetrievalPolicy {StandardPriority | HighPriority} -BackupFile <VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile> [-Overwrite] [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet retrieves a backup file deleted from the archive tier preserved by insider protection and uploads them to the performance tier.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept Pipeline Input |
BackupFile | Specifies an array of deleted backup files that you want to retrieve. | Accepts the VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile[] object. To get this object, run the Get-VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile cmdlet. | True | Named | True |
AmazonS3GlacierRetrievalPolicy | Defines the method of data retrieval for Amazon S3 Glacier object storage. You can retrieve data using one of the following method:
| VBRAmazonS3GlacierRetrievalPolicy | True | Named | False |
AzureArchiveRetrievalPolicy | Defines the method of data retrieval for Azure Archive storage. You can retrieve data using one of the following method:
| VBRAzureArchiveRestrievalPolicy | True | Named | False |
RunAsync | Defines that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Overwrite | Defines that the cmdlet will overwrite an existing object with the downloaded one. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Output Object
Example 1. Retrieving Backup Files from Amazon S3 Glacier
This example shows how to retrieve backup files from Amazon S3 Glacier.
Perform the following steps:
The Get-VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile cmdlet will return an array of deleted backup files. Mind the ordinal number of the necessary backup file (in our example, it is the first backup file in the array).
Example 2. Retrieving Backup Files from Microsoft Azure Archive Storage
This example shows how to retrieve backup files from Microsoft Azure Archive Storage.
Perform the following steps:
The Get-VBRDeletedArchivedBackupFile cmdlet will return an array of deleted backup files. Mind the ordinal number of the necessary backup file (in our example, it is the first backup file in the array).
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