New-VBRJobScheduleOptions (obsolete)

Short Description

Creates new job schedule options.


This cmdlet is obsolete. You can still run this cmdlet but, depending on the job type, it is recommended to run one of the following cmdlets:

Applies to

Platform: VMware, Hyper-V

Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License


New-VBRJobScheduleOptions  [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This cmdlet creates the VBRJobScheduleOptions object. This object contains default job scheduling settings. You can edit any setting that you want to apply to a job.

Run the Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions cmdlet to apply the schedule to a job.

You can set schedule for backup, replication or copy jobs.


This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.

Output Object

The cmdlet returns the VBRJobScheduleOptions object that contains default job scheduling settings.


New-VBRJobScheduleOptions (obsolete)Example 1. Defining Schedule Settings

This command defines default schedule settings for a job. Save the result to the $newschedule variable for later use.

$newschedule = New-VBRJobScheduleOptions

New-VBRJobScheduleOptions (obsolete)Example 2. Scheduling Job with Time Interval of 2 Hours

This example shows how to define schedule settings for a job. The job will run with the following schedule settings:

  • The job will run repeatedly during a day.
  • The job will run every 120 minutes.

$newschedule = New-VBRJobScheduleOptions

$newschedule.OptionsPeriodically.Enabled = $true

$newschedule.OptionsPeriodically.FullPeriod = 120

$newschedule.OptionsDaily.Enabled = $false

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the New-VBRJobScheduleOptions cmdlet. Save the result to the $newschedule variable.
  2. Provide the $true value for the OptionsPeriodically property of the $newschedule variable.
  3. Specify the value for the OptionsPeriodically property in minutes.
  4. Provide the $false value for the OptionsDaily property of the $newschedule variable to disable the daily schedule option.

Page updated 3/6/2024

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