Short Description
Looks for Cloud Director entities.
Applies to
Platform: VMware
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
This cmdlet provides parameter sets that allow you to:
- Look for all Cloud Director entities.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <String[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Full] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for vApps.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <String[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-VApp] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for vApp templates.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <String[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Template] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for VM templates.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <String[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-VmTemplate] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for VMs.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Vm] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for organization VDCs.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-OrganizationVdc] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for storage profiles.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-StorageProfile] [<CommonParameters>} |
- Look for datastores.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <String[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Datastore] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for vCenter Servers managed by Cloud Director.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Vc] [<CommonParameters>} |
- Look for Organizations.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Organization] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Look for Organization users.
Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-OrganizationUser] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet looks for Cloud Director entities. Use this cmdlet to get Cloud Director entities from the Service Provider's Veeam backup server.
To get Cloud Director entities from the Tenant Veeam Backup & Replication, use the following cmdlets:
- Run the Get-VBRvCDCloudOrganizationvDC cmdlet to get the organization VDC.
- Run the Get-VBRvCDCloudStoragePolicy cmdlet to get the Cloud Director storage policy.
- Run the Get-VBRvCDCloudvApp cmdlet to get Cloud Director vApps.
- Run the Get-VBRvCDCloudOrganizationUser cmdlet to get the organization users.
Consider the following:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept Pipeline Input |
Name | Specifies the array of Cloud Director entity names. The cmdlet will return entities with these names. | String[] | False | Named | False |
Server | Specifies the array of servers. The cmdlet will return Cloud Director entities located on these servers. | Accepts the CHost[] object. To get this object, run the Get-VBRServer cmdlet. | False | Named | True (ByValue, |
Full | Defines that the cmdlet will return only Cloud Director entities. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
VApp | Defines that the cmdlet will return only vApps. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Template | Defines that the cmdlet will return only vApp templates. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
VmTemplate | Defines that the cmdlet will return only VM templates. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Vm | Defines that the cmdlet will return only VMs. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
OrganizationVdc | Defines that the cmdlet will return only organization VDCs. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
StorageProfile | Defines that the cmdlet will return only storage profiles. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Datastore | Defines that the cmdlet will return only datastores. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Vc | Defines that the cmdlet will return only vCenter Servers managed by Cloud Director. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
Organization | Defines that the cmdlet will return only Organizations. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
OrganizationUser | Defines that the cmdlet will return only Organization users. Note: The cmdlet will not return users with administrator roles. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
EntityRef | Specifies one of the following Cloud Director entities:
The cmdlet will return these entities. | String | False | Named | False |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
- CVcdSystemItem
- CVcdOrganizationItem
- CVcdOrganizationVdcItem
- CVcdVappItem
- CVcdVmItem
- CVcdOrgVdcStorageProfile
- CVcdDatastoreRestoreInfo
- CVcdVcInfo
- VBRvCloudOrganizationUser
Example 1. Getting All Cloud Entities
This example shows how to look for all Cloud Director entities registered on the server.
Perform the following steps:
Example 2. Getting Cloud Director Server by Name
This example shows how to look for the particular Cloud Director server.
Perform the following steps:
Example 3. Getting vApps on Specific Cloud Director Server
This example shows how to get the vApps on the particular Cloud Director server.
Perform the following steps:
Example 4. Getting Datastore on Sprecific Cloud Director Server
This example shows how to get the datastore on the particular Cloud Director server.
Perform the following steps:
Example 5. Getting All Organization DCs
This command gets all Organization DCs.
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