Short Description
Creates the schedule for the backup policy for Windows workstations.
Applies to
Product Edition: Community, Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
This cmdlet provides parameter sets that allow you to:
- Specify a schedule for both periodical backups and backups at a particular event.
New-VBRWindowsWorkstationScheduleOptions -DailyOptions <VBRDailyOptions> -PowerOffAction <VBRPowerOffAction> {SkipBackup | BackupAtPowerOn} -PostBackupAction <VBRPostBackupAction> {Sleep | Hibernate | Shutdown |KeepRunning} [-EnableDailySchedule] [-BackupAtLock] [-BackupAtLogOff] [-BackupAtTargetConnection] [-EjectStorageAfterBackup] [-BackupTimeout <int>] [-BackupTimeoutType <VBRAgentBackupTimeoutType> {Minute | Hour | Day}] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Specify a schedule for backups at a particular event.
New-VBRWindowsWorkstationScheduleOptions [-BackupAtLock] [-BackupAtLogOff] [-BackupAtTargetConnection] [-EjectStorageAfterBackup] [-BackupTimeout <int>] [-BackupTimeoutType <VBRAgentBackupTimeoutType> {Minute | Hour | Day}] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
The cmdlet creates the VBRWindowsWorkstationScheduleOptions object. This object contains schedule settings for the backup policy that Veeam Agent job applies to Windows workstations.
Use the New-VBRServerScheduleOptions cmdlet to create the schedule settings for the following types of jobs:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept Pipeline Input |
DailyOptions | For periodical backups. Specifies daily schedule settings. The cmdlet will create the server schedule with these settings. | Accepts the VBRDailyOptions object. To get this object, run the New-VBRDailyOptions cmdlet. | True | Named | True (ByValue) |
PowerOffAction | For periodical backups. Specifies the action that Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows must perform when the protected computer is powered off at a time when the scheduled backup job must start.
| VBRPowerOffAction | True | Named | False |
PostBackupAction | For periodical backups. Specifies the action that Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows will perform after the backup job completes successfully.
| VBRPostBackupAction | True | Named | False |
EnableDailySchedule | For periodical backups. Enables daily schedule. Veeam Agent backup job will start at the time specified in the DailyOptions parameter. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
BackupAtLock | For backups at a particular event. Defines that the Veeam Agent backup job will start when the user locks the protected computer. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
BackupAtLogOff | For backups at a particular event. Defines that the Veeam Agent backup job will start when the user working with the protected computer performs a logout operation. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
BackupTimeout | For backups at a particular event. Specifies an interval between the backup job sessions. Use the BackupTimeoutType parameter to set the job interval. Note: This option does not work for daily schedule. | Int | False | Named | False |
BackupTimeoutType | For the BackupTimeout parameter. Specifies an interval between the Veeam Agent backup job. Use the following types of time interval:
| VBRAgentBackupTimeoutType | False | Named | False |
BackupAtTargetConnection | For backups at a particular event. Defines that the Veeam Agent backup job will start when the backup storage becomes available. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
EjectStorageAfterBackup | For the BackupAtTargetConnection parameter. Defines that Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows will unmount the storage device after the backup job completes successfully. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
This cmdlet returns the VBRWindowsWorkstationScheduleOptions object that contains the schedule for the backup policy for Windows workstations.
Example 1. Creating Daily Schedule for Veeam Agent Job for Windows Workstations
This example shows how to create a schedule for a Veeam Agent job that backs up Windows workstations. The job will run with the following settings:
Perform the following steps:
Example 2. Creating Schedule for Veeam Agent Job for Windows Workstations
This command creates a schedule for Windows workstation. Per this schedule, Veeam Backup & Replication will start a backup session when the user locks the machine. Provide the BackupTimeout parameter to set the interval between Veeam Agent backup jobs to 5 hours.
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