
Short Description

Specifies custom credentials for authenticating with Active Directory objects.

Applies to

Product Edition: Community, Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License


New-VBRADCustomCredentials -Entity <VBRADEntity> [-Credentials <CCredentials>]  [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This cmdlet specifies custom credentials for authenticating with Active Directory objects you want to add to a protection group. Veeam Backup & Replication uses these credentials for Veeam Agent deployment and backup\restore activities.

By default, Veeam Backup & Replication uses Master account credentials for authenticating with all Active Directory objects in a protection group. For authenticating with Active Directory objects that require different credentials Veeam Backup & Replication uses custom credentials.









Specifies Active Directory objects for which you want to specify custom credentials.

Accepts the VBRADEntity object. To get this object, run the Find-VBRADEntity cmdlet.



True (ByValue,


Specifies custom credentials for authenticating with Active Directory objects in a protection group.

If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will use Master account credentials for authenticating with associated objects.

Note: for string type, enter a user name in the "Domain\Username" format.

Accepts string (user name) or the CCredentials object. To get this object, run the Get-VBRCredentials cmdlet.



True (ByProperty


This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.

Output Object



New-VBRADCustomCredentialsExample 1. Specifying Credentials for Authenticating with Active Directory Objects

This example shows how to specify custom credentials for authenticating with Active Directory objects.

$connection = Get-VBRADDomain -ServerName support.east -Credentials support\jsmith

$root = Find-VBRADEntity -Domain $connection

$accounts = Find-VBRADEntity -Domain $connection -Root $root -Name Accounts

$ccreds = Get-Credential

New-VBRADCustomCredentials -Entity $accounts -Credentials $ccreds

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBRADDomain cmdlet. Specify the ServerName and Credentials parameter values. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  2. Run the Find-VBRADEntity cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the Domain parameter value. Save the result to the $root variable.
  3. Run the Find-VBRADEntity cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the Domain parameter value. Set the $root variable as the Root parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $accounts variable.
  4. Run the Get-Credential cmdlet. Type the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the Active Directory objects from the Accounts container. Save the result to the $ccreds variable.
  5. Run the New-VBRADCustomCredentials cmdlet. Set the $accounts variable as the Entity parameter value. Set the $ccreds variable as the Credentials parameter value.

New-VBRADCustomCredentialsExample 2. Specifying Master Account Credentials for Scope of Active Directory Objects

This example shows how to specify Master account credentials for the scope of Active Directory objects.

$connection = Get-VBRADDomain -ServerName support.east -Credentials support\jsmith

$objects = Find-VBRADEntity -Domain $connection -Name Support

New-VBRADCustomCredentials -Entity $objects

Perform the following steps:

  1. Run the Get-VBRADDomain cmdlet. Specify the ServerName and Credentials parameter values. Save the result to the $connection variable.
  2. Run the Find-VBRADEntity cmdlet. Set the $connection variable as the Domain parameter value. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $objects variable.
  3. Run the New-VBRADCustomCredentials cmdlet. Set the $objects variable as the Entity parameter value.

Related Commands

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