
Short Description

Returns virtual labs and their settings.

Applies to

Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License


Get-VBRViVirtualLabConfiguration [-Id <guid[]>] [-Name <string[]>]  [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

This cmdlet returns the VBRViVirtualLabConfiguration object that contains an array of virtual labs and all their settings. You can use this object to modify settings of virtual labs.

Run the Set-VBRViVirtualLab cmdlet to modify settings of virtual labs.







Accept Pipeline Input


Specifies an array of IDs for a virtual lab. The cmdlet will return an array of virtual labs with the specifies ID.






Specifies an array of names for a virtual lab. The cmdlet will return an array of virtual labs with the specifies names.






This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.

Output Object

The cmdlet returns the VBRViVirtualLabConfiguration object that an array of virtual labs and all their settings


Get-VBRViVirtualLabConfigurationExample 1. Getting all Virtual Labs

This command returns all virtual labs that are added to the Veeam Backup & Replication infrastructure. The cmdlet output will contain settings of the virtual labs.


DesignatedResourcePoolName : Exchange Virtual Lab

DesignatedVMFolderName     : Exchange Virtual Lab

CacheDatastore             : esx09-das05

ProxyAppliance             : Exchange Virtual Lab

ProxyApplianceEnabled      : True

NetworkMapping             : {Exchange Virtual Lab VM Network}

NetworkOptions             : {Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRViVirtualLabNetworkOptions

RoutingBetweenvNicsEnabled : False

IsMultiHost                : False

DVS                        :

IpMappingRule              : {}

StaticIPMappingEnabled     : False

Type                       : Advanced

IdOnHost                   : 6b2686ae-9e1b-4c6e-b6fb-842d7155a9ec

Server                     : Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CHost

Platform                   : VMWare

Id                         : 8762b1ea-3422-4f84-8472-e596d7c8265e

Name                       : Exchange Virtual Lab

Description                : Created by Powershell at 2/20/2020 5:56 AM.


DesignatedResourcePoolName : SQL Virtual Lab

DesignatedVMFolderName     : SQL Virtual Lab

CacheDatastore             : esx09-das05

ProxyAppliance             : SQL Virtual Lab

ProxyApplianceEnabled      : True

NetworkMapping             : {SQL Virtual Lab VM Network}

NetworkOptions             : {Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRViVirtualLabNetworkOptions

RoutingBetweenvNicsEnabled : False

IsMultiHost                : False

DVS                        :

IpMappingRule              : {}

StaticIPMappingEnabled     : False

Type                       : Advanced

IdOnHost                   : 43d2457a-ddee-424d-9fd3-42e021a77309

Server                     : Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CHost

Platform                   : VMWare

Id                         : 8762b1ea-3422-4f84-8472-e596d7c8265e

Name                       : SQL Virtual Lab

Description                : Created by Powershell at 2/20/2020 5:56 AM.

Get-VBRViVirtualLabConfigurationExample 2. Getting Virtual Lab by ID

This command returns the 6b2686ae-9e1b-4c6e-b6fb-842d7155a9ec virtual lab. The cmdlet output will contain settings of the virtual lab.

Get-VBRViVirtualLabConfiguration -Id "6b2686ae-9e1b-4c6e-b6fb-842d7155a9ec"

DesignatedResourcePoolName : Exchange Virtual Lab

DesignatedVMFolderName     : Exchange Virtual Lab

CacheDatastore             : esx09-das05

ProxyAppliance             : Exchange Virtual Lab

ProxyApplianceEnabled      : True

NetworkMapping             : {Exchange Virtual Lab VM Network}

NetworkOptions             : {Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRViVirtualLabNetworkOptions

RoutingBetweenvNicsEnabled : False

IsMultiHost                : False

DVS                        :

IpMappingRule              : {}

StaticIPMappingEnabled     : False

Type                       : Advanced

IdOnHost                   : 6b2686ae-9e1b-4c6e-b6fb-842d7155a9ec

Server                     : Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CHost

Platform                   : VMWare

Id                         : 8762b1ea-3422-4f84-8472-e596d7c8265e

Name                       : Exchange Virtual Lab

Description                : Created by Powershell at 2/20/2020 5:56 AM.

Get-VBRViVirtualLabConfigurationExample 3. Getting Virtual Lab by Name

This command returns the SQL Virtual Lab virtual lab. The cmdlet output will contain settings of the virtual lab.

Get-VBRViVirtualLabConfiguration -Name "SQL Virtual Lab"

DesignatedResourcePoolName : SQL Virtual Lab

DesignatedVMFolderName     : SQL Virtual Lab

CacheDatastore             : esx09-das05

ProxyAppliance             : SQL Virtual Lab

ProxyApplianceEnabled      : True

NetworkMapping             : {SQL Virtual Lab VM Network}

NetworkOptions             : {Veeam.Backup.PowerShell.Infos.VBRViVirtualLabNetworkOptions

RoutingBetweenvNicsEnabled : False

IsMultiHost                : False

DVS                        :

IpMappingRule              : {}

StaticIPMappingEnabled     : False

Type                       : Advanced

IdOnHost                   : 43d2457a-ddee-424d-9fd3-42e021a77309

Server                     : Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CHost

Platform                   : VMWare

Id                         : 8762b1ea-3422-4f84-8472-e596d7c8265e

Name                       : SQL Virtual Lab

Description                : Created by Powershell at 2/20/2020 5:56 AM.

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