Short Description
Starts a restore session of Linux-based or Unix-based guest OS files from a CDP replica.
Applies to
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
This cmdlet provides parameter sets that allow you to:
- Start a restore session of Linux-based or Unix-based guest OS files using an existing Linux-based machine as a helper host.
Start-VBRCDPLinuxFileRestore -Replica <VBRCDPReplica> [-ToPointInTime <DateTime>] [-LongTermRestorePoint <VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint>] [-Reason <string>] -MountServer <CHost> [<CommonParameters>] |
- Start a restore session of Linux-based or Unix-based guest OS files using a temporary helper appliance.
Start-VBRCDPLinuxFileRestore -Replica <VBRCDPReplica> [-ToPointInTime <DateTime>] [-LongTermRestorePoint <VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint>] [-Reason <string>] -ApplianceOptions <VBRFileRestoreLinuxHelperApplianceOptions> [<CommonParameters>] |
- Start a restore session of Linux-based or Unix-based guest OS files using the original server as a helper host.
Start-VBRCDPLinuxFileRestore -Replica <VBRCDPReplica> [-ToPointInTime <DateTime>] [-LongTermRestorePoint <VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint>] [-Reason <string>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [-MountToOriginalHost] [<CommonParameters>] |
- Start a restore session using a Linux-based machine as a temporary helper host.
Start-VBRCDPLinuxFileRestore -Replica <VBRCDPReplica> [-Reason <string>] -HelperHost <VBRLinuxFileRestoreHelperHost> [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet starts a restore session of guest OS files for a CDP replica that has Linux-based or Unix-based OS.
Note |
Consider the following:
After you stop the session, Veeam Backup & Replication unmounts disks from the helper host or helper appliance. If you use the helper appliance, Veeam Backup & Replication unregisters the helper appliance from the ESXi host.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept Pipeline Input |
Replica | Specifies the CDP replica for which you want to restore files. | Accepts the VBRCDPReplica object. To create this object, run the Get-VBRCDPReplica cmdlet. | True | Named | True (ByPropertyName, ByValue) |
ToPointInTime | Specifies date and time when a restore point was created. The cmdlet will start the restore session for the short-term restore point created at the specified date and time or will take the nearest restore point. | Accepts the DateTime object. To get this object, run the Get-Date or Get-VBRCDPShortTermRestoreInterval cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
LongTermRestorePoint | Specifies a long-term restore point of a CDP replica. The cmdlet will start the restore session for this restore point. | Accepts the VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint object. To get this object, run the Get-VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
Reason | Specifies the reason for starting a restore session. The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. | String | False | Named | True (ByPropertyName) |
MountServer | Specifies an existing Linux-based machine. The cmdlet will mount disks from a backup or replica to this machine and will use it as a helper host. Note: This parameter is required if you do not specify the ApplianceOptions and MountToOriginalHost parameters. | Accepts the CHost object. To create this object, run the Get-VBRServer cmdlet. | True | Named | True (ByPropertyName) |
ApplianceOptions | Specifies configuration options for a temporary helper appliance. Note: This parameter is required if you do not specify the MountServer and MountToOriginalHost parameters. | Accepts the VBRFileRestoreLinuxHelperApplianceOptions object. To create this object, run the New-VBRFileRestoreLinuxHelperApplianceOptions cmdlet. | True | Named | True (ByPropertyName) |
MountToOriginalHost | Specifies whether to mount disks to the original server and use it as a helper host. Default: False. Note: Set this parameter to $true if the Server, MountServer and ApplianceOptions parameters are not specified. | SwitchParameter | True | Named | True (ByPropertyName) |
Credentials | Specifies the credentials to authenticate against an existing Linux-based machine that you want to use as a helper host. Note: This parameter can be used only when MountToOriginalHost is true. | Accepts the CCredentials object. To create this object, run the Get-VBRCredentials cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
HelperHost | Specifies the temporary Linux helper host. | Accepts the VBRLinuxFileRestoreHelperHost object. To get this object, run the New-VBRLinuxFileRestoreHelperHost cmdlet. | True | Named | False |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
The cmdlet returns the FileRestore object that contains settings of a restore session of Linux-based or Unix-based guest OS files.
Starting Restore Session of Linux or Unix-Based Guest OS Files Using Existing Linux Machine as Helper Appliance
This example shows how to start a restore of Linux or Unix-based guest OS files of the UbuntuSrv replica. The cmdlet will use the LinSrv05 machine as a helper appliance.
$replica = Get-VBRCDPReplica -Name "UbuntuSrv" $restorepoint = Get-VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint -Replica $replica -Last $server = Get-VBRServer -Name "LinSrv05" $creds = Get-VBRCredentials -Name *Administrator* $session = Start-VBRCDPLinuxFileRestore -Replica $replica -LongTermRestorePoint $restorepoint -MountServer $server -Credentials $creds |
Perform the following steps:
- Get the restore point:
- Run the Get-VBRCDPReplica cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $replica variable.
- Run the Get-VBRCDPLongTermRestorePoint cmdlet. Set the $replica variable as the Replica parameter value. Provide the Last parameter. Save the result to the $restorepoint variable.
- Run the Get-VBRServer cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $server variable.
- Run the Get-VBRCredentials cmdlet. Specify the Name parameter value. Save the result to the $creds variable.
- Run the Start-VBRCDPLinuxFileRestore cmdlet:
- Set the $replica variable as the Replica parameter value.
- Set the $restorepoint variable as the LongTermRestorePoint parameter value.
- Set the $server variable as the MountServer parameter value.
- Set the $creds variable as the Credentials parameter value.
- Save the result to the $session variable.
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