Short Description
Customizes advanced job settings.
Applies to
Platform: VMware, Hyper-V
Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus, Veeam Universal License
Set-VBRJobAdvancedOptions [-CommandLine <String>] [-CompactFullMonthlyOptions <VBRMonthlyOptions>] [-CompactFullScheduleType {Weekly | Monthly}] [-CompactFullWeeklyOptions <VBRDailyOptions>] [-Days <DayOfWeek[]>] [-EnableCompactFull] [-Enabled [<Boolean>]] [-EnableHealthCheck] [-EnableIntegrityChecks <Boolean>] [-EnablePreScript <Boolean>] [-Frequency <UInt32>] -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-Periodicity {Cycles | Days}] [-PreJobScript <String>] [-RetainDays <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>] |
Detailed Description
This cmdlet sets advanced options for the selected job.
You can set:
- Integrity check: Veeam Backup & Replication will check every full backup file for integrity and recovery availability.
- Post job activity: you can specify a command you want to run after the job run, i.e. to sent a job result report. You can schedule this command to run i.e. every second job run or on specific days.
- Deleted VMs retention period: if a VM included in this job is deleted, its data will be stored for the specified period. When this period ends, the backup files are deleted. The default period is 14 days.
Read more about advanced job settings in Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide.
Note |
To modify settings, specify new values for the necessary parameters. The cmdlet will overwrite the previous parameters values with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. |
Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Position | Accept |
Job | Specifies the array of jobs. The cmdlet will modify advanced options of these jobs. | Accepts the CBackupJob[] object. To create this object, run the Get-VBRJob cmdlet. | True | Named | True (ByProperty |
EnableIntegrityChecks | Defines whether the job will use the automatic backup integrity check. | Bool | False | Named | False |
EnableHealthCheck | Enables the Health check option. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
RetainDays | Specifies the number of days to keep backup data for the deleted VMs. Default: 14 days. Note: You cannot enable the retention policy for deleted VMs with Veeam PowerShell. To learn how to do this in Veeam Backup & Replication console, see the Retention Policy for Deleted VMs section in User Guide. | Int32 | False | Named | False |
Enabled | Defines whether the job will execute a user-defined command after the job. Use the CommandLine parameter to set the command. Schedule the command to run periodically with the Periodicity and Frequency parameters, or on specific days with the Days parameter. | Bool | False | Named | False |
CommandLine | Specifies the command you want to execute after the job. | String | False | Named | False |
CompactFullMonthlyOptions | For a monthly schedule. Specifies a monthly schedule for a job. | Accepts the VBRMonthlyOptions object. To create this object, run the New-VBRMonthlyOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
CompactFullScheduleType | Specifies the type of the job schedule. Parameter accepts the following values:
| VBRAdvancedOptionsScheduleType | False | Named | False |
CompactFullWeeklyOptions | For a weekly schedule. Specifies a weekly schedule for a job. | Accepts the VBRDailyOptions object. To create this object, run the New-VBRDailyOptions cmdlet. | False | Named | False |
EnableCompactFull | Enables the Defragment and compact full backup file option. | SwitchParameter | False | Named | False |
EnablePreScript | Defines whether the job will execute a user script before the job starts. Use the PreJobScript parameter to specify the script. | Bool | False | Named | False |
PreJobScript | Specifies the script you want to run before job. | String | False | Named | False |
Periodicity | For command schedule. Specifies the command schedule type:
| PeriodicityType | False | Named | False |
Frequency | For command cycle schedule. Specifies the number of the backup cycles after which the command will be executed (for example, every 3 backup cycle). | UInt32 | False | Named | False |
Days | For command schedule on days. Specifies the days to run the command:
| DayOfWeek[] | False | Named | False |
HealthCheckMonthlyOptions | Specifies health check monthly options. | VBRMonthlyOptions | False | Named | False |
HealthCheckScheduleType | Specifies a health check schedule. | VBRAdvancedOptionsScheduleType | False | Named | False |
HealthCheckWeeklyOptions | Specifies health check weekly options. | VBRDailyOptions | False | Named | False |
This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information on common parameters, see Microsoft Docs.
Output Object
Example 1. Editing Advanced Job Settings to Specific Backup Job [Using Pipeline]
This example shows how to edit advanced job settings to backup job named Backup Job 01:
Perform the following steps:
Example 2. Editing Advanced Job Settings to Specific Backup Job [Using Pipeline]
This example shows how to edit advanced job settings to backup job named Backup Job 01:
Perform the following steps:
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