Performance History for Scale Out Repositories

The report aggregates historical data and shows performance statistics for selected scale-out backup repositories across a time range.


The report is based on the free space performance counters. The object picker control for the report scope has a predefined filter which limits selection to Objects of the Veeam Scale-Out Backup Repository class and Groups that include objects of the Veeam Scale-Out Backup Repository class.


To run the Performance History for Scale Out Repositories report, you must have Veeam Management Pack for Microsoft System Center installed.


Data Aggregation: defines the aggregation period (Hourly or Daily).

Date/time Selection: defines the time period to analyze in the report.

Histogram: defines the type of values shown on the x-axis of the chart.

Split into sections by: defines whether the sections will be split by Windows computers, selected groups/objects or by counters.

One chart for: defines the type of an object for which a separate chart will be displayed. The list of available options depends on the Split into sections by value.

Scope: defines a list of Groups or Objects to analyze in the report (by default, the Veeam Scale-Out Backup Repository Group is selected). The Add Group option returns a Group and all objects that a group contains (with all performance counter instances). The Add Object option returns only the selected object.

Counters: defines collection rules for performance counters to analyze in the report.


For all rules in the Counters list, the report chart will display minimum counter values for the selected aggregation period.

Sample Usage

Report on the amount of free space for all scale-out backup repositories during this week.


  1. Open the Performance History for Scale Out Repositories report.
  2. From the Data Aggregation list, select Daily.
  3. From the From list, select This Week > Monday. From the To list, select This Week > Friday.
  4. From the Histogram list, select No.
  5. In the Split into sections by list, select Windows Computer.
  6. Leave the Scope section without changes.
  7. From the One chart for list, select Counter.
  8. In the Counters list, select Veeam Backup Scale-Out Repository\Free Space % (Veeam Scale-Out Backup Repository FreeSpace Pct).
  9. Click Run to view the report.

Report Output

The report will show how the percentage of free space has been changing for the selected scale-out backup repositories during the week. The table will detail daily values for free space (sample count, average, minimum and maximum and standard deviation values).

You can click the Instance: _Total link in the output table to drill down to the Veeam Performance Details Report.