Step 6. Specify CAS Server and Target Folder

This step is only available if you have selected the Basic Authentication option at the Select Authentication Method step.

At this step of the wizard, specify a CAS server and provide a folder to which you want to restore data. You can restore data to the original folder or specify a custom folder.

To provide a CAS server and target folder, do the following:

  1. Specify a CAS server name or IP address.

This field is populated automatically with the CAS server address from your domain. You can also enter a CAS server manually.

  1. Select a folder to which you want to restore data. You can restore data to the original folder or specify a custom folder.

When you select to restore to a custom folder, Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange checks if the specified folder exists, if not, it creates a folder automatically. For example, if you specify a path like Folder1/Folder2/Folder3, Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange will restore your data to the Folder3. You can use both the slash ("/") and the backslash ("\") characters when specifying a path.

Specify CAS Server and Target Folder

Page updated 6/25/2024

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