Step 4. Select Files to Restore

At the Data step of the wizard, you can look through the backed-up data, as well as browse, filter, and choose data that you want to restore. Only files that have been backed up are displayed at this step.

To choose files for restore:

  1. Specify the file search parameters.
  1. From the Search in drop-down list, select a type of the restored files. If you select the Attachment or Content Version type of files, you will be able to specify an object with which the files must be associated.

For a type of files to be displayed in the list, it must be backed-up by a backup policy for the organization selected at step 3 of the wizard.

  1. The results will be shown in the table with the columns that match specific Salesforce fields. To choose the displayed information, click Customize and select the necessary Salesforce fields on the Display Fields tab in the Data Filters and Display Fields window.
  1. Apply additional search conditions using specific filters. To do that, click Add Condition on the Data Filters tab, select a field and a conditional operator from the drop-down lists, and enter the necessary value.

Veeam Backup for Salesforce suggests a number of in-built conditional operators, such as contains, equals, starts with, is null and so on. These operators are used to make queries to databases. Note that the time required to process the request depends on the operator you are using, for example, processing a request with the equals operator will take less time than a request with the contains operator.

By default, filters are linked by the AND logical operator. That is, a record is displayed in the search results when all specified conditions are met. You can change this behavior by linking filters with different operators. To do this, set the Use filter logic toggle to On, and specify the filter logic expression using condition ordinal number, brackets and logical operators, for example: 1 AND (2 OR 3) AND NOT 4.

  1. Click Search. Veeam Backup for Salesforce will show the results satisfying your search parameters in the Records found section.

By design, the search results will be displayed on the same pages where the records were originally shown. To make sure that you have seen all the results, look through all the pages.

  1. Select the files from the search results displayed in the Records found section. Consider that the section displays the maximum number of 500 records per page. You cannot select and add files to the restore session from different pages. That is why it is recommended that you use filters to reduce the number of search results.

For the Content Version type of files, you can choose the version of a file that will be restored. To do that, click the link in the Version column, compare the latest version of the backed-up file with previous backed-up file versions and the version of the file currently stored in the Salesforce database, and select the necessary version in the Select Record Version to Restore window. If you want Veeam Backup for Salesforce to show only files that differ between selected versions, set the Compare changes toggle to On.


You can download up to 10 files to the local machine. To do that, select the necessary items, and click Download.

Restoring Files