How Backup Works

While creating image-level backups, Veeam Backup for OLVM and RHV does not install agent software inside VMs to retrieve data. Veeam Backup for OLVM and RHV uses native oVirt capabilities to take VM snapshots and produces backups in the following way:

  1. The backup server starts a backup job and forwards the backup session data to the backup appliance.
  2. The backup appliance connects to the Virtualization manager over REST API and creates snapshots of all VMs added to the job.
  3. The backup appliance sends a REST API request to the Virtualization manager to create an image transfer session and to provide its URL.
  4. The backup appliance launches a worker.
  5. The worker retrieves the VM data using the provided URL.
  6. The worker compresses and deduplicates the VM data and forwards it to the target backup repository in the native Veeam format.

How Backup Works

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