Updating Workers

While starting workers, Veeam Backup for OLVM and RHV automatically downloads updates from Veeam repositories and installs them. If workers are not connected to the internet, you can instruct Veeam Backup for OLVM and RHV to use an HTTP proxy that will provide access to the required resources.

If workers do not have access to the internet and no HTTP proxy is used, disable automatic updates to eliminate update failures and session warnings:

  1. Open the Backup Infrastructure view.
  2. In the inventory pane, select Backup Proxies.
  3. In the working area, select the backup appliance and click Edit Appliance on the ribbon, or right-click the backup appliance and select Properties.
  4. At the Networks step of the Edit oVirt KVM Backup Appliance wizard, clear the Obtain updates check box. 

    Updating Workers