Managing Backup Policies

Veeam Data Cloud allows you to manage backup policies.

To manage a backup policy, do the following:

  1. Log in to Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365.
  2. In the main menu, click Backup Policies.
  3. In the list of backup policies, click the menu icon next to the policy you want to manage and do one of the following:
  • Select Edit to rename the backup policy, add or remove backed-up objects and change the schedule of the backup policy. For details, see Editing Flex Backup Policies and Editing Express Backup Policies.
  • Select Start to run a backup policy session. Select Stop to stop a backup policy session that is already running.
  • Select Disable to prevent the backup policy from running upon schedule. In the displayed window, click Disable to disable the backup policy. Select Enable to allow the backup policy to run upon schedule again.
  • Select Delete to delete the backup policy. In the displayed window, click Delete to confirm the deletion of the backup policy.

If you delete a backup policy, you will not delete the data associated with it. Backed-up data deletion only occurs when the restore point goes beyond the retention period you have set for your Veeam Data Cloud plan. For more information, see Backup Retention.

Editing Backup Policy


You can view and download backup session logs in the Backup Sessions section. For more information, see Viewing Backup Logs.