Generating Reports

You can generate reports on Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 usage. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 with an administrator account or an account with a permission to view reports.
  2. In the main menu, click Settings.
  3. In the Settings menu, click Reports.
  4. From the Report type drop-down list, select one of the following options:
  • Mailbox Protection Report
  • User Protection Report
  • Monthly Backup Report

Select Report Type

[For monthly backup report] Select the month for which you want the report to be generated.

Select Month to Export

  1. Click Generate Report. Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 will generate the report in the CSV format.
  • For Mailbox Protection Report and User Protection Report, Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 will display the The report is being generated and you will be notified once it is complete message. Also, the Notifications node header will show a red dot when the report is finished.

New Notifications

In the Notifications section, click View more events in your activity log to view the report.

View Report in Activity Log

Then you can download the report from the Activity log by clicking the file name.

Mailbox Protection Report in Activity Log

  • Monthly Backup Report is saved to your browser download location.

Report Counters

Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 displays the following counters in reports:

  • Mailbox Protection Report
  • The Mailbox counter shows the mailbox name.
  • The E-mail counter shows the email address of the user.
  • The Organization counter shows the name of the company or organization in Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365.
  • The Protection Status counter shows with the Protected or Unprotected status.
  • The Last Backup Date counter shows the date when the latest backup file was created by the user.
  • User Protection Report
  • The Username counter shows the name of the Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 user.
  • The E-mail counter shows the email address of the Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365 user.
  • The Organization counter shows the name of the company or organization in the Veeam Data Cloud for Microsoft 365.
  • The Protection Status counter shows with the Protected or Unprotected status.
  • The Last Backup Date counter shows the date when the latest backup file was created by the user.
  • Monthly Backup Report
  • The Number of object backed up counter shows the number of objects backed up within the selected month.
  • The Amount of data backed up (GB) counter shows the capacity of the backup file created within the selected month.
  • The Job name counter shows the name of the backup job.
  • The Last status counter shows the final status of the last run of the backup job.
  • The Last restore point counter shows the date and time when the latest backup file was created. The counter uses the following format: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM, for example, 18/06/2024 08:03:40 AM.
  • The Number of successes, Number of failures and Number of warnings counters show how many backup jobs were processed with the Success, Failed and Warning statuses.