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Per-VM Backup Files

By default, the backup job writes VM data to the backup repository in one write stream and stores data of all VMs to the same backup file. Such behavior can cause problems if the target storage device is able to write data in multiple streams simultaneously. In this situation, the backup repository may become a bottleneck in the data flow though its resources will not be used to the full.

Per-VM Backup Files 

You can instruct Veeam Backup & Replication to create per-VM backup files in the backup repository. In this case, the job will use a separate write stream for every VM in the job and store its data to a separate backup file. As a result, resources of the storage device will be used more efficiently, and the job performance may increase.

Per-VM Backup Files 

To create per-VM backup files, you must enable the Use per-VM backup files option at the level of the backup repository. It is recommended that you enable this option for deduplicating storage appliances that support multiple write streams. The option is also enabled for scale-out backup repositories by default.

Per-VM Backup Files 

If you decide to create separate backup files for VMs in the job, make sure that you enable parallel data processing. If parallel data processing is disabled, Veeam Backup & Replication will process VMs and VM disks sequentially, one by one. You should also balance the number of tasks on backup proxies and backup repository to avoid the situation when some backup infrastructure resources remain idle while others are overloaded. It is recommended that you use all available slots of the backup repository. To do this, you must disable the Limit maximum concurrent tasks to N option in the backup repository settings. For more information, see Limiting the Number of Concurrent Tasks.

Per-VM Backup Files 

Per-VM Backup Files Note:

In case of per-VM backup chains, synthetic operations (synthetic full backup, backup files merge and transform) work in parallel for every VM in the backup. The number of parallel operations is limited by the number of concurrent tasks that can be performed on the backup repository.

Enabling Per-VM Backup Files Option for Existing Backup Repositories

You can enable or disable the Use per-VM backup files option for existing backup repositories to which backup jobs are already targeted. The new setting will not have any effect on previously created backup files in the backup repository. It will affect new backup files created after the setting is changed.

Veeam Backup & Replication applies the new setting starting from the next active full backup. You can create an active full backup manually or wait for Veeam Backup & Replication to automatically create active full backup (if active full backups are scheduled). Synthetic full backups do not affect the Use per-VM backup files setting.

Limitations for Per-VM Backup Files Option

The Use per-VM backup files option cannot be enabled for backup repositories with rotated drives.

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