Protected Cloud Instances

This report analyzes backup, snapshot and replication snapshot protection of cloud instances in your Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform cloud infrastructures. Note that report scope includes only target repositories connected to Veeam Backup & Replication server.

A cloud instance is considered Protected if there is at least one valid backup, snapshot or replication snapshot restore point that meets the designated RPO for it. A cloud instance is considered Unprotected if it has outdated or missing restore points.

  • The Summary section includes the following elements:
    • The Instances by Protection State chart shows the number of protected and unprotected VMs.
    • The Instances by Last Session State chart shows status of the latest job session for discovered VMs.
    • The Unprotection Reason chart shows reasons for non-compliance with the specified RPO requirements.
  • The Details section provides information on all protected and unprotected VMs including resource ID, protection type, policy name, backup or replication snapshot target, number of available restore points and date and time of the latest backup, snapshot or replication snapshot.

Report Parameters

You can specify the following report parameters:

  • Infrastructure objects: defines a list of Veeam Backup & Replication servers to include in the report.
  • RPO (Recovery Point Objective): defines the maximum amount of data that you may accept to lose, expressed in time. RPO defines the age of the latest backup or snapshot files required to resume normal operation if system failure occurs. For example, to compile a list of VMs protected on a daily basis, you need to set the RPO value to 1 day.
  • Instance types: defines a type of cloud instances to include in the report (Amazon Web Services: EC2, RDS, EFS, VPC; Microsoft Azure: Virtual Machines, SQL Database, Files; GCP: Compute Engine (VMs), Cloud SQL).
  • Protection types: defines a type of protection to include in the report (Backup, Backup Copy, Snapshot, Replication, Archive).
  • Instance exclusion rule: defines a list of VMs that should be excluded from the report scope. You can enter VM names explicitly or create a wildcard mask by using the asterisk (*) to replace any number of characters. Multiple entries are separated by semicolon. For example, the following string will exclude machines with the _R&D suffix from appearing in the report:*_R&D.
  • Group by: defines the way data will be grouped in the report (Instance type, No grouping, Region).

Protected Public Clouds VMs Report
Protected Public Clouds VMs Report
Protected Public Clouds VMs Report

Use Case

When you set up your backup jobs based on resource groups or employ complex exclusion parameters in job properties, some cloud instances may turn out to be excluded from the backup policies and therefore will lack proper protection.

This report displays a list of cloud instances protected by up-to-date backups and snapshots, as well as a list of unprotected cloud instances which have outdated or missing restore points. This information helps you validate the state of data protection in your organization.