Creating Snapshots Manually

Veeam Backup for Google Cloud allows you to manually create snapshots of Cloud Spanner instances. Each snapshot is stored in the location that depends on the regional configuration of the processed instance.


Veeam Backup for Google Cloud does not include snapshots created manually in the snapshot chain and does not apply the configured retention policy settings to these snapshots. This means that the snapshots are kept in Google Cloud Storage unless you remove them manually, as described in section Removing Backups and Snapshots.

To manually create a cloud-native snapshot of a Cloud Spanner instance, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Resources > Cloud Spanner.
  2. Select the necessary instance and click Take Snapshot Now.

For a Cloud Spanner instance to be displayed in the list of available instances, it must reside in any of the regions added to a backup policy as described in section Creating Backup Policies.

  1. In the Take Snapshot Now window, select a service account whose permissions Veeam Backup for Google Cloud will use to create the snapshot, and click Take Snapshot.

For a service account to be displayed in the Service account drop-down list, it must be added to Veeam Backup for Google Cloud as described in section Adding Service Accounts, and must be assigned the Cloud Spanner Instances Snapshot operational role as described in section Adding Projects and Folders.

Creating Snapshot Manually