Veeam Orchestrator Web UI
Important |
The Veeam Orchestrator Web UI component must be installed on the same machine that runs the Veeam Orchestrator Server Service. |
Open the command prompt and run the setup file VAO.WebUI.x64.msi using the command of the following format:
msiexec.exe [/L*v "<path_to_log>"] /qn /I "<path_to_msi>" ACCEPT_EULA="1" ACCEPT_THIRDPARTY_LICENSES="1" [INSTALLDIR="<path_to_installdir>"] VAO_SERVER_NAME="<VAO_server_address>" VAO_SERVER_PORT="<VAO_port>" VAA_IIS_SITE_PORT="<website_port>" [VAO_THUMBPRINT="<SSL_certificate_thumbprint>"] |
The following command-line options are used to run the setup file:
Option | Parameter | Required | Description |
/L | *v logfile | No | Creates an installation log file with the verbose output. Specify a full path to the log file as the parameter value. Any setup log file created during the previous installation will be deleted. Example: /L*v ”C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Setup\Temp\Logs\VAO_WebUI.txt” |
/q | n | Yes | Sets user interface level to None, which means no user interaction is needed during installation. |
/I | setup file | Yes | Installs the Orchestrator Web UI component. Specify a full path to the setup file as the parameter value. Example: /I “C:\Veeam\VAO.WebUI.x64.msi” |
ACCEPT_EULA | 0/1 | Yes | Specifies if you want to accept the Veeam license agreement. To accept the license agreement and to proceed with installation, set the parameter value to 1. Example: ACCEPT_EULA="1" |
ACCEPT_THIRDPARTY_LICENSES | 0/1 | Yes | Specifies if you want to accept the license agreement for 3rd party components that Veeam incorporates. To accept the license agreement and to proceed with installation, set the parameter value to 1. Example: ACCEPT_THIRDPARTY_LICENSES="1" |
ACCEPT_LICENSING_POLICY | 0/1 | Yes | Specifies if you want to accept the Veeam licensing policy. To accept the licensing policy and to proceed with installation, set the parameter value to 1. Example: ACCEPT_LICENSING_POLICY="1" |
ACCEPT_REQUIRED_SOFTWARE | 0/1 | Yes | Specifies if you want to accept the license agreements for each of the required software that Veeam will install. To accept the license agreement and to proceed with installation, set the parameter value to 1. Example: ACCEPT_REQUIRED_SOFTWARE="1" |
INSTALLDIR | path | No | Installs the component to the specified location. By default, Orchestrator uses a subfolder in the C:\Program Files\Veeam\Availability Orchestrator\ folder. Example: INSTALLDIR=”C:\Veeam\” |
VAO_SERVER_NAME | server name or address | Yes | Specifies an IPv4 address or FQDN of the server where the Veeam Orchestrator Server Service is installed. Example: VAO_SERVER_NAME=”servername.domain.local” |
VAO_SERVER_PORT | port | Yes | Specifies a WCF port that was defined to connect to the Veeam Orchestrator Server Service. By default, 12348. Example: VAO_SERVER_PORT=”12247” |
VAA_IIS_SITE_PORT | port | Yes | Specifies an IIS port that will be used to connect to the Orchestrator UI website from a web browser. By default, 9898. Example: VAA_IIS_SITE_PORT=”9998” |
VAO_THUMBPRINT | hash | No | Provides a thumbprint of an SSL certificate that will be used to secure traffic between the Orchestrator UI and a web browser. Example: VAO_THUMBPRINT="a909502dd82ae41433e6f83886b00d4277a32a7b" |