How Orchestrator Performs Virus Scan

Performing Virus Scan in Cloud Plans

When running a cloud plan, Orchestrator performs virus scan in the following way:

  1. Disks of the machine that is being restored are mounted to the mount server.
  2. On the mount server, antivirus software is triggered to scan files from the mounted disks.
  3. Orchestrator iterates through the number of restore points specified while running the plan one by one to detect a restore point with no viruses.
  4. If a clean restore point is detected, Orchestrator successfully restores the machine to the selected recovery location.

If no clean restore point is detected, Orchestrator either halts the plan or restores the machine to a quarantine network depending on the configured restore point settings.


If restore points of all machines included in the plan are stored in one repository, Orchestrator will process the machines one by one. This process may take a while, affecting the plan RTO.

The results of virus scan are included in the Readiness Check and Plan Execution reports.

Performing Virus Scan in Restore Plans

When running a restore plan, Orchestrator performs virus scan in the following way:

  1. Disks of a machine that is being restored are mounted to the mount server.
  2. On the mount server, antivirus software is triggered to scan files from the mounted disks.
  3. Orchestrator iterates through the number of restore points specified while running the plan one by one to detect a restore point with no viruses.
  4. If a clean restore point is detected, Orchestrator successfully restores the machine to the selected recovery location.

If no clean restore point is detected, Orchestrator either halts the plan or restores the machine to the selected recovery location without connecting it to any network, depending on the configured restore point settings.


If restore points of all machines included in the plan are stored in one repository, Orchestrator will process the machines one by one. This process may take a while, affecting the plan RTO.

When testing a restore plan, Orchestrator performs virus scan in the following way:

  1. Disks of a machine that is being tested are mounted to the mount server.
  2. On the mount server, antivirus software is triggered to scan files from the mounted disks.
  3. Orchestrator checks the most recent restore point for possible viruses.
  4. If the restore point is clean, the DataLab test completes successfully and Orchestrator restores the machine to the recovery location selected when running the on-demand testing.

If the restore point is infected, the DataLab test fails and the plan acquires the TESTING HALTED state. To learn how to manage halted testing, see Halting Plan Testing.

The results of virus scan are included in Readiness Check, DataLab Test and Plan Execution reports.