Local Storage Settings

The Location step of the wizard is available if you have selected the Local option at the Destination step of the wizard. Specify the location for the backup file and the retention policy for the backup job.


Consider the following:

  • The backup location must be on a separate volume from a volume whose data you plan to back up.
  • USB storage devices formatted as FAT32 do not allow storing files larger than 4 GB in size. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not use such USB storage devices as a backup target.
  • If during backup job configuration, you want to create a new local directory for storing backups, your user account must have super user (root) privileges.

To specify local storage settings, do the following:

  1. Specify location for the backup file in one of the following ways:
  • In the Location field, type a path to the directory in which you want to save backup files.
  • Browse to the directory where backup files must be saved:
  1. Select the Browse option with the [Tab] key and press [Enter].
  2. In the Choose backup location window, select the necessary directory and press [Enter].
  3. Repeat Step 'ii' until the path to the directory in which you want to save backup files appears in the Current directory field.
  4. To create a new directory, switch to the Create dir button, press [Enter], then type a name for the new directory and press [Enter].
  5. Switch to the Ok button and press [Enter]. Veeam Agent will display the path to the specified directory in the Location field.

After you specify location for the backup, Veeam Agent will display the following information on the volume where the directory selected for backup storage resides:

  • Space — total size of the volume on which the selected directory resides.
  • Free — free space on the volume where the selected directory resides.
  • Type — file system type of the volume on which the selected directory resides.
  1. To use the GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son) retention scheme, select the Keep full backups for archival purposes check box and select Configure. In the Configure GFS window, specify how weekly, monthly and yearly full backups must be retained. For details, see Specify GFS Retention Settings.
  2. In the Restore points field, specify the number of backup files that you want to keep in the target location. By default, Veeam Agent keeps 7 latest backup files. When the number of restore points is exceeded, Veeam Agent will remove the earliest restore point from the backup chain. To learn more, see Short-Term Retention Policy.
  3. Select Advanced to specify advanced settings for the backup job. To learn more, see Specify Advanced Backup Settings.


Local Storage Settings