Mounting Backup Storage

You can mount the following types of backup storage:



Mounting File System

To mount a file system where the backup file resides, you must do the following using standard IBM AIX shell commands:

Mounting Backup Storage Note

  • The name of the imported volume group must be different from its original name.
  • If the volume group spans several disks, all of them must be available to the system before import.


Mounting Network Shared Folder

Depending on the version of your IBM AIX OS and the file system type of the network shared folder — NFS or SMB (CIFS) — syntax for mounting a network folder may vary. For more information on using the mount command in your specific OS environment, see IBM AIX documentation.


If the backup that you want to use for bare metal recovery resides in an SMB (CIFS) network shared folder, consider the following:

Mounting Backup Storage Note

If you run the /SPOT/usr/bin/smbd-start script to create an nsmb0 device, some volume groups may become unavailable after reboot. For details, see this Veeam KB article.