Granting Permissions to Users
When you install Veeam Agent for IBM AIX, the product program files are placed to the directories on the system volume. For full access to Veeam Agent for IBM AIX files, super user (root) privileges are required. Rights to execute product files and run commands are also granted to users that belong to the veeam group.
The veeam group is automatically created by Veeam Agent for IBM AIX at the process of the product installation. To let regular users work with Veeam Agent for IBM AIX without the need to gain ileges, you can add the necessary users to this group. Users in the veeam group will be able to execute Veeam Agent for IBM AIX commands and perform backup and restore tasks under a regular user account.
To add a user to the veeam group, use the following command:
chgrpmem -m + <username> veeam |
where <username> is a user name of the account to which you want to grant access to Veeam Agent for IBM AIX.
For example:
root@srv01:~# chgrpmem -m + user01 veeam |
Mind the following:
To check whether the user who is currently logged in to the IBM AIX OS is added to the veeam group, you can use the following command:
groups |
For example:
user@srv01:~$ groups |