Configuring Recovery Locations

If you want to change settings specified while adding a recovery location, the Orchestrator UI allows you to customize the location.

  1. Switch to the Administration page.
  2. Navigate to Recovery Locations.
  3. Select the location and click Edit.
  4. Complete the Edit Recovery Location wizard:

To change the target hosts and clusters where recovered VMs will be registered, follow the instructions provided in section Adding VMware Recovery Locations (step 4).

To change the destination datastores and datastore clusters where machine files will be stored, follow the instructions provided in section Adding VMware Recovery Locations (step 5).

To change the datastore capacity level that must not be breached during the recovery process, follow the instructions provided in section Adding VMware Recovery Locations (step 6).

To enable or disable VM recovery across different Veeam Backup & Replication locations, follow the instructions provided in section Adding VMware Recovery Locations (step 9).

  • [These steps apply to storage recovery locations only]

To change the target storage systems used to recover VMs, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Storage Recovery Locations (step 4).

To change the datacenter used to recover VMs, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Storage Recovery Locations (step 5).

To change target hosts and clusters to which recovered volumes will be mounted, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Storage Recovery Locations (step 6).

  • [These steps apply to Microsoft Azure recovery locations only]

To change the Veeam Backup & Replication server that will manage the process of recovering machines to Microsoft Azure, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 4).

To change the Microsoft Azure cloud subscription, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 5).

To change the repositories where the machine restore points are stored, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 6).

To change the cloud proxies used for job performance optimization, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 7).

To change the Microsoft Azure region in which the recovered VMs will reside, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 8).

To change the resource group to which the recovered VMs will belong, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 9).

To specify or change the quarantine network that will be used for infected machines, follow the instructions provided in section Adding Microsoft Azure Recovery Locations (step 12).


Configuring Recovery Locations