Creating Repository in Object Storage
To create a repository in an object storage location, you must specify a storage provider name, a name for the backup repository and settings for the object storage account and bucket or container.
Before You Begin
Before you start creating an object storage repository, consider the following:
- [Microsoft Azure Blob storage] The soft delete feature for blobs and containers must be disabled in the storage account.
- [Microsoft Azure Blob storage] To use the Veeam backup immutability feature, you must enable blob versioning and version-level immutability support in the storage account. For more information, see this Microsoft Azure documentation.
- [S3 Compatible and Amazon S3 storage] To use the Veeam backup immutability feature, you must enable versioning and the S3 Object Lock feature in the storage account. For more information, see this Amazon S3 documentation.
- [Google Cloud storage] The Veeam backup immutability feature is not supported for repositories configured in Google Cloud storage.
Creating Object Storage Repository
To create an object storage repository, use the following command:
- <provider_type> — name of the object storage provider. Veeam Agent supports the following options:
- azureblob — for creating a Microsoft Azure Blob repository.
- google — for creating a Google Cloud repository.
- amazons3 — for creating an Amazon S3 repository.
- s3compatible — for creating an S3 Compatible repository (including Wasabi Cloud and IBM Cloud repositories).
- <options> — options necessary to connect to the target object storage. For more information, see the following subsections:
- Specifying options for S3 Compatible repository
- Specifying options for Amazon S3 repository
- Specifying Options for Google Cloud repository
- Specifying options for Microsoft Azure Blob repository
After Veeam Agent creates a new backup repository in the object storage location, you can specify object storage as a destination for the backup job.
Specifying Options for S3 Compatible Repository
To create a backup repository in an S3 compatible storage bucket, use the following command:
veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository s3compatible --name <repository_name> --servicepoint <address> --region <storage_region> --accesskeyid <id> --bucketname <bucket_name> --folder <folder_name> [--fingerprint <ssl_thumbprint>] |
- <repository_name> — name for the backup repository.
- <address> — address of the service point for the object storage.
If you want to connect to the repository using the IPv6 address and the port number, you must use the following format: IPv6:port, where:
Note |
You can find the list of supported regions in the documentation of the selected storage provider. |
- <bucket_name> — name of the bucket.
- <folder_name> — name of the folder in the bucket. If Veeam Agent does not find a folder with the name specified in the command, Veeam Agent will create a new folder in the bucket under Veeam/Backup/ — for example, Veeam/Backup/folder01.
$ veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository s3compatible --name s3comp --servicepoint fd00:ca19:0:18b0:0:ac8a:abca:c942:9000 --accesskeyid S3ertlD9EIO9DjnZjuD4 --region us-east-1 --bucketname backup01 --folder folder01 --fingerprint <value> |
Specifying Options for Amazon S3 Repository
To create a backup repository in an Amazon S3 bucket, use the following command:
veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository amazons3 --name <repository_name> --accesskeyid <id> --region <storage_region> --bucketname <bucket_name> --folder <folder_name> |
- <repository_name> — name for the backup repository.
- <id> — access key associated with the Amazon S3 storage account.
- <storage_region> — region associated with the bucket.
You can find the full list of supported regions by storage provider in the PublicCloudRegions.xml file located in the /Library/Application Support/Veeam folder on Veeam Agent computer. |
You must create the bucket where you want to store your backup data beforehand. When you create a bucket, consider Amazon bucket naming rules. For example, it is not recommended that you use dots (.) in the bucket name. For more information on bucket naming rules, see this AWS documentation article. |
$ veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository amazons3 --name amazon --accesskeyid AMAZONKIAWHDY4BDYCJC --region us-east-1 --bucketname bucket01 --folder folder01 |
Specifying Options for Google Cloud Repository
To create a backup repository in a Google Cloud storage bucket, use the following command:
veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository google --name <repository_name> --accesskeyid <id> --region <storage_region> --bucketname <bucket_name> --folder <folder_name> |
- <repository_name> — name for the backup repository.
- <id> — access key associated with the Google Cloud storage account.
- <storage_region> — region associated with the bucket.
You can find the full list of supported regions by storage provider in the PublicCloudRegions.xml file located in the /Library/Application Support/Veeam folder on Veeam Agent computer. |
$ veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository google --name google --accesskeyid GOOGLE56L5ATTDKJCLWUQG3E --region europe-west3 --bucketname backup01 --folder folder01 |
Specifying Options for Microsoft Azure Blob Repository
To create a backup repository in a Microsoft Azure Blob container, use the following command:
veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository azureblob --name <repository_name> --account <storage_account_name> --region <storage_region> --bucketname <bucket_name> --folder <folder_name> |
- <repository_name> — name of the backup repository for the Veeam Agent database.
- <account> — name of the Microsoft Azure Blob storage account.
Veeam Agent supports specification of 3 generic Microsoft Azure Blob storage locations:
You can find the full list of supported regions by storage provider in the PublicCloudRegions.xml file located in the /Library/Application Support/Veeam folder on Veeam Agent computer. |
$ veeamconfig objectstorage createrepository azureblob --name azure --account my-account --region azurecloud --bucketname backup01 --folder folder01 |