Configuring Plug-in on Linux or Unix

To configure Veeam Plug-in, you can use OracleRMANConfigTool. The tool configures Oracle RMAN integration settings and creates the veeam_config.xml file which is stored in the installation folder of the plug-in: /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN.

Note that the Veeam Plug-in configuration tool changes the settings of Oracle RMAN. All original settings of Oracle RMAN are saved in the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN/RMANParameters.xml file.

To configure Veeam Plug-in for Oracle RMAN, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Oracle server with an account which is a member of the DBA group.
  2. Launch the configuration wizard:

OracleRMANConfigTool --wizard

If you have extracted files form the .TAR.GZ archive, go to the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN folder and run the following command:

./OracleRMANConfigTool --wizard

  1. Specify the DNS name or IP address of the Veeam Backup & Replication server.

Enter backup server name or IP address:

  1. Specify the port which will be used to communicate with the Veeam Backup & Replication server. Default port: 10006.

Enter backup server port number: 10006

  1. Specify credentials to authenticate against the Veeam Backup & Replication server.

Enter username: serv17\administrator

Enter password for serv17\administrator:



Consider the following:

  • You can work with backups created by Veeam Plug-in only with the account used for creating the backups. If you want to use another account, assign the Veeam Backup Administrator role or Veeam Backup Operator and Veeam Restore Operator roles to the account.

To learn how to assign Veeam Backup & Replication roles, see the Users and Roles section in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide.

  1. Select the backup repository where you want to store the backups. In the wizard dialog, enter the number of the repository from the list of available repositories. If you want to add several repositories, enter the required numbers separated by blank spaces.

If you want to use the Oracle RMAN Backup Duplexing functionality, you can select up to four repositories. The copies of backups will be sent to all selected repositories. Note that Oracle Database Standard Edition does not allow using more than one RMAN channel. Thus, if you use Standard Edition, you can select only one repository.

Available repositories are:

1. serv10_repo

2. serv02_repo

Specify up to 4 Veeam repositories to use as target using whitespace as a separator: 2



  • The account must have access to back up repositories that you plan to use.
  • Encryption must be disabled on the repository.

Otherwise, the repositories will not be listed as available. To learn how to configure access permissions and encryption settings on repositories, see Access and Encryption Settings on Repositories.

  1. Specify the number of parallel data streams for each backup repository. Note that Oracle Database Standard Edition does not allow using more than one RMAN channel. Thus, if you use Standard Edition, you can select only one data stream.

Enter the number of data streams (From 1 to 254) to run in parallel for each repository (RMAN DEVICE PARALLELISM value).

Channel count per device: 4

  1. If you want to enable Veeam compression of backup files, type y. For details, see the Data Compression and Deduplication section of Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide.

Do you want to use Veeam compression (Y/n):y

  1. At the Save configuration step of the plug-in wizard, you can export configuration files (the Veeam Plug-in configuration file and RMAN configuration file). You can import these configuration files to other servers to apply the same settings.

Save configuration?

1. Apply configuration to the Oracle environment

2. Export configuration into a file for manual setup

3. Cancel without saving



*** Database instance ORCL is configured ***



When you export the configuration files, Veeam Plug-in automatically enables Oracle's Controlfile Autobackup feature. This feature is required for restoring with different settings using Veeam Explorer for Oracle.



It is recommended to save the configuration files, so that you can use it as a reference. For example, if you are planning to manually allocate channels for backup and restore operations, you will need the repository UUID. The RMAN configuration file (rman_config.txt) contains an example for channel allocation definition for the target repository. You can use this statement in your backup/restore scripts.

Configuration Tool Parameters

Apart from running a configuration wizard, you can use the OracleRMANConfigTool tool to change a specific parameter in the veeam_config.xml file or enable/disable Veeam Plug-in features.


When you work with the command-line tool, use one configuration parameter per command. The tool does not support commands with multiple parameters.

The following table lists available parameters for OracleRMANConfigTool.




Shows the list of parameters of the plug-in configuration tool.


Shows configuration parameters.


Starts the wizard to configure the plug-in settings. This wizard edits the veeam_config.xml file or creates a new one if the configuration file was removed from the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN directory.

--set-credentials <"serv\username"> <"password">

Specifies credentials to connect to the Veeam backup server.

--set-host <hostname>

Specifies the host of the Veeam backup server.

--set-port <port_number>

Specifies the host to connect to the Veeam Backup & Replication server.


Launches a wizard to select a backup repository. A backup repository is selected from repositories which are available in the connected Veeam Backup & Replication instance.

--set-parallelism <number_of_channels>

Configures RMAN parallelism settings.

--compression <y/n>

Enables/disables Veeam proprietary feature which compresses backup files.


Maps the imported backups.


Configures the auto-deletion of backup files after specified days.


Maps the imported backup copy to a regular Veeam Plug-in backup chain.


Specifies an authentication method for database restore. Use this parameter if you want to restore a database to another server or to restore a database from a backup copy.

After you run the OracleRMANConfigTool command with this parameter, use the OracleRMANConfigTool command with the --set-backup-for-restore parameter to select a backup from which you want to restore a database. For more information, see Restore to Another Server.


Selects the backup for database restore. Use this parameter if you want to restore a database to another server or to restore a database from a backup copy.

You can run the OracleRMANConfigTool command with this parameter to select a backup after you have specified an authentication method to access the backup using the OracleRMANConfigTool --set-backup-for-restore command. For more information, see Restore to Another Server.


To specify credentials that will be used to log in to the Veeam Backup & Replication server, use the plug-in configuration tool with the following command.

OracleRMANConfigTool --set-credentials 'serv04\joelle' 'password'