Restoring Databases (HDBSQL Commands)

You can use HDBSQL to restore SAP HANA databases from backups stored on Veeam backup repositories. For details on the HDBSQL restore, see this SAP article.

To recover SAP HANA databases from backups stored on Veeam backup repositories, do the following:

  1. Log in to SAP HANA HDBSQL as the HDB administrator. Use HDBUSERSTORE to securely store connection details on a client machine. For details, see this SAP article.

sh4adm@linux-q0pn:/usr/sap/SH4/HDB01> hdbuserstore SET <key> hostname:30013@SID <username> <password>

sh4adm@linux-q0pn:/usr/sap/SH4/HDB01> hdbsql -U <key>

  1. Recover a tenant database to the latest state using Backint. As the timestamp, specify the current data and time or future date and time.

alter stop database <DATABASE_NAME>;
recover database for <DATABASE_NAME> until timestamp '2020-01-01 12:00:00' using catalog backint;

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