Configuring Plug-in

To configure Veeam Plug-in for IBM Db2, you can use DB2ConfigTool. The tool configures IBM Db2 settings and saves the settings to the Veeam Plug-in configuration file (veeam_config.xml). The file is located in the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforDB2 directory on the machine where Veeam Plug-in is installed.

To configure Veeam Plug-in, do the following on the machine with IBM Db2:

  1. Log into the machine with a user with root or instance owner privileges.
  2. To launch the Veeam Plug-in configuration tool, run the following command:

/opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforDB2/DB2ConfigTool --wizard


You do not need root privileges to launch the Veeam Plug-in configuration tool if you have configured group access as described in the Permissions section.

If you have extracted files form the .TAR.GZ archive, go to the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforDB2 folder and run the following command:

DB2ConfigTool --wizard

  1. Specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of your Veeam Backup & Replication server.

Enter backup server name or IP address:

  1. Specify the port which will be used to communicate with the backup server. Default port: 10006.

Enter backup server port number [10006]: 10006

  1. Specify credentials to authenticate against the Veeam Backup & Replication server.

Enter username: serv02\administrator

Enter password for serv02\administrator: XXXXXXXXX



Consider the following:

  • You can work with backups created by Veeam Plug-in only with the account used for creating the backups. If you want to use another account, assign the Veeam Backup Administrator role or Veeam Backup Operator and Veeam Restore Operator roles to the account.

To learn how to assign Veeam Backup & Replication roles, see the Users and Roles section of the Veeam Backup & Replication Guide.

  1. Select the backup repository where you want to store backups. In the terminal dialog, enter the number of the repository from the list of available repositories.

Available backup repositories:

1. Default Backup Repository
2. Off-Site Backup Repository
Enter repository number: 1



  • The used account must have access to Veeam backup repositories that you plan to use.
  • Encryption must be disabled on the repository.

Otherwise, the repositories will not be listed as available. To learn how to configure access and encryption settings on repositories, see Access and Encryption Settings on Backup Repositories.

  1. Confirm if you want Veeam Plug-in to use built-in compression functionality of Veeam Backup & Replication.

Do you want to use Veeam compression? (Y/n): Y

  1. Confirm if you want Veeam Plug-in to switch the database to archive logging with the logarchmeth1 configuration parameter.

If you confirm, Veeam Plug-in backs up archive logs as specified with the logarchmeth1 parameter. For details, see this IBM article. Keep in mind that you must set Veeam Plug-in to use the logarchmeth1 parameter to back up IBM Db2 databases online. Otherwise, you can back up databases only offline.

Do you want to apply logarchmeth1 configuration parameter? (Y/n): Y

  1. Apply the Veeam Plug-in configuration. In the terminal dialog, enter 1.

Save configuration?
1. Apply configuration
2. Export configuration into a file for manual setup
3. Cancel without saving

Enter: 1

The plug-in was successfully configured

Alternatively, you can export configurations of Veeam Plug-in and IBM Db2 as an .XML and an .TXT files. Later, you can use these files for the manual Veeam Plug-in and IBM Db2 configuration.

Enter path to Veeam configuration XML file /tmp/veeam_config.xml: /home/configurations/veeam_config.xml
Enter path to Db2 configuration TXT file /tmp/Db2_config.txt: /home/configurations/db2_config.txt

If you confirmed to use the logarchmeth1 parameter and the Veeam Plug-in configuration is completed successfully, the database switches to the BACKUP PENDING state. Thus, before you can activate the database, you need to perform a full offline backup. To learn more, see Performing Full Backup.

To learn more about DB2ConfigTool and configuration file:

Page updated 12/19/2024

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