Starting Backup Job on Veeam Plug-in Side
In the Veeam Plug-in management scenario, you can still manually start an application backup job from the computer with Veeam Plug-in installed. For example, this may be useful if you want to create an ad-hoc backup just before the database maintenance.
Keep in mind the following:
- You can back up only those databases that are added to the application backup policy on the Veeam Backup & Replication side. If the database is not added to any application backup policy, you cannot back up this database from the computer with Veeam Plug-in.
- You cannot start an application backup job from the computer with Veeam Plug-in installed, if the application backup policy on the Veeam Backup & Replication side is in the disabled state. To learn how to enable a disabled backup policy, see Enabling and Disabling Backup Policy.
- When you start an application backup job from the computer with Veeam Plug-in installed, Veeam Backup & Replication will not start the application backup policy. The policy will stay in the idle state.
The way you configure and start the backup job depends on the Veeam Plug-in you work with:
If you create an application backup policy for Veeam Plug-in for SAP HANA, Veeam Backup & Replication saves the backup job parameters in the SAP HANA global.ini file on the computer with Veeam Plug-in. As a result, you can use SQL commands or SAP HANA tools to back up SAP HANA databases. To learn more, see Database Protection.
Veeam Plug-in for SAP on Oracle
If you create an application backup policy for Veeam Plug-in for SAP on Oracle, Veeam Backup & Replication saves the backup job configuration on the computer with Veeam Plug-in. Depending on the version of Oracle Database, Veeam Plug-in stores the configuration file in one of the following directories:
- For Oracle 12 and later, the configuration file is stored at SAPDATA_HOME/sapprof.
- For Oracle 11, the configuration file is stored at ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
The BRBACKUP tool can use this configuration file as an initialization profile. As a result, you can use this file to start the backup operation from the Veeam Plug-in side. To learn more about configuration file, see Configuring Plug-in for SAP on Oracle.
If you create an application backup policy for Veeam Plug-in for Oracle RMAN, Veeam Backup & Replication does not save the backup job configuration on the computer with Veeam Plug-in. As a result, you can configure and start the backup job as a command in the Oracle RMAN console.
Consider that the command differs depending on the OS running on the computer with Veeam Plug-in for Oracle RMAN installed:
- Example for Windows-based computers:
RUN { |
- Example for Linux- or Unix-based computers:
RUN { |
Important |
If you selected the database authentication method during the application backup policy configuration, the backup operation started from the computer with Veeam Plug-in will fail. This happens because the database credentials are not available on the computer with Veeam Plug-in. Veeam Backup & Replication stores the database credentials only in the application backup policy settings. For details, see Authentication Against Database. As a workaround, you can manually set the database credentials on the computer with Veeam Plug-in using the OracleRMANConfigTool tool. The command to manually set the database credentials differs depending on the OS of the machine where Veeam Plug-in is installed:
The database credentials that you specified with the tool will be saved in the veeam_config.xml configuration file. Veeam Plug-in will use them for backup operations started from the computer with Veeam Plug-in. |