Granting Permissions to Users

When you install Veeam Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server, full access rights to the plug-in configuration file are automatically granted to all users. To protect sensitive information that is stored in the configuration file from unwanted access, we recommend limiting access to the configuration file to a dedicated group of users.

By default, the veeam_config.xml configuration file is located in the %PROGRAMFILES%\Veeam\Plugins\Microsoft SQL\ folder.

Before You Begin

Before you create a user group that will have access to the plug-in configuration file, consider the following:

Granting Permissions to the Plug-In Configuration File

  1. Create a new user group by running the following command:

net localgroup "<groupName>" /comment:"<description>" /add


  1. Add a user to the group with the following command:

net localgroup "<groupName>" "<userName>" /add


  1. Create a new access control list (ACL) with Read and Write permissions using this set of commands:

$newACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity #creates a dedicated ACL

$newACL.SetAccessRuleProtection($true,$false) #disables inheritance and deletes all inherited permissions

$newACL.AddAccessRule( (New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("groupName","Read","Allow"))) # allows read

$newACL.AddAccessRule( (New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("groupName","Write","Allow")))# allows write


  1. Assign ownership of the new ACL to the previously created user group by running the following command:

$newACL.SetOwner([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]"groupName") #sets owner for the ACL


  1. Apply the ACL to the plug-in configuration file using this command:

set-acl -Path:<configFilePath> -AclObject:$newACL #apply ACL to the plug-in configuration file
