Configuring Plug-in for SAP on Oracle
When you configure Veeam Plug-in settings, you set up integration settings between the SAP on Oracle server, Veeam Backup & Replication server and backup repositories where backup files will be stored.
Veeam Plug-in uses the SapOracleBackintConfigTool wizard to configure the integration settings. The wizard searches for all SAP on Oracle systems deployed on the server and creates the file for each system. Then, this file is used as an initialization profile for brbackup, brrestore and brarchive tools.
Depending on the version of Oracle Database, Veeam Plug-in stores the configuration file in one of the following directories:
- For Oracle 12 and later, the configuration file is stored at SAPDATA_HOME/sapprof.
- For Oracle 11, the configuration file is stored at ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
Important |
Veeam Plug-in may not be able to detect SAP instances during the configuration if the Oracle Database and SAP central instance are running on different hosts. If you work with Veeam Plug-in in the managed mode, this configuration is not supported. If you work with Veeam Plug-in in the standalone operation mode, you can do the following:
Note that this approach applies only for Veeam Plug-in in the standalone operation mode. To learn more about operation modes, see Standalone and Managed Operations Modes. |
To configure Veeam Plug-in, do the following:
Note |
The configuration of Veeam Plug-in must be performed by a user with database administrator rights on the Oracle Database server. |
- Log in to the Oracle Database server as a user with database administrator rights and run the following command to launch the Veeam Plug-in configuration tool. You do not need root privileges if you have configured group access as described in the Permissions section.
SapOracleBackintConfigTool --wizard |
If you have extracted files form the .TAR.GZ archive, go to the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforSAPOracle folder and run the following command:
./SapOracleBackintConfigTool --wizard |
- Specify the DNS name or IP address of the Veeam Backup & Replication server that you want to use.
Enter backup server name or IP address: |
- Specify the port which will be used to communicate with the Veeam Backup & Replication server. Default port: 10006.
Enter backup server port number: 10006 |
- Specify credentials to authenticate against the Veeam Backup & Replication server.
Enter username: serv02\administrator Enter password for serv02\administrator: |
Important |
Consider the following:
To learn how to assign Veeam Backup & Replication roles, see the Users and Roles section in the Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide.
- Select a backup repository where you want to store backups.
In the wizard dialog, you will see a list of available repositories. Enter the number of the target repository from the list.
Available backup repositories: 1. serv10_repo |
Important |
Consider the following:
Otherwise, backup repositories will not be listed as available. To learn how to configure access and encryption settings on repositories, see Access and Encryption Settings on Repositories. |
- Specify the number of parallel data streams for each backup repository.
Enter number of data streams (From 1 to 32) to run in parallel: 4
Configuration result: An auxiliary initialization profile has been successfully created for SAP system "ODB": /oracle/ODB/sapprof/ The created profile must be leveraged to perform backup and restore tasks by BR*Tools. |
Note that this parallelism setting applies only to backup and restore of Oracle datafiles. If you want to configure parallel channels for backup and restore of redo logs, see Configuring Parallelism for Redo Logs.
Apart from running a configuration wizard, you can use the SapOracleBackintConfigTool tool to change a specific parameter in the veeam_config.xml file or enable/disable Veeam Plug-in features.
Important |
When you work with the command-line tool, use one configuration parameter per command. The tool does not support commands with multiple parameters. |
The following table lists available parameters for SapOracleBackintConfigTool.
Parameter | Description |
--help | Shows the list of tool parameters. |
--show-config | Shows configuration parameters. |
--wizard | Starts the wizard to configure the plug-in settings. This wizard edits the veeam_config.xml file or creates a new one if the configuration file was removed from the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforSAPOracle/ directory. |
--set-credentials <"serv\username"> <password> | Specifies credentials to log in to the Veeam Backup & Replication server. |
--set-host <hostname> | Specifies the IP address or hostname of the Veeam Backup & Replication server. |
--set-port <port_number> | Specifies a port number that will be used to communicate with the Veeam Backup & Replication server. |
--set-repository | Launches a wizard to select a backup repository. A backup repository is selected from repositories which are available in the connected Veeam Backup & Replication instance. |
--set-backup-for-restore | [For System Copy] Specifies the backup that will be used for restore operations. You can use this parameter if you want to restore a database to another server or to restore a database from a backup copy. When you run the SapBackintConfigTool command with this parameter, Veeam Plug-in will prompt you to select an authentication method to access a backup created for the original server and then select the backup from which you want to restore a database. For more information, see Restore to Another Server (System Copy). |
--map-backup | Maps the imported backup. |
--set-force-delete | Deletes backup files after specified days. |
--promote-backup-copy-to-primary | Maps the imported backup copy to a regular Veeam Plug-in backup chain. |
--set-parallelism <number_of_channels> | Define the number of parallel channels that must be used to transfer Oracle datafiles during the backup and restore operations. You can set up to 32 channels. Note that the parallelism for redo logs is configured separately. For details, see Configuring Parallelism for Redo Logs. |
The following example shows how to specify credentials that will be used to log in to the Veeam Backup & Replication server.
SapOracleBackintConfigTool --set-credentials "serv02\Administrator" "password" |