Viewing Rescan Job Report

You can generate reports with details about rescan job sessions performed for a specific protection group. The report contains data on the latest rescan job session initiated for the job upon schedule. To generate a report:

  1. Open the Inventory view.
  2. In the inventory pane, select the necessary protection group and click Report on the ribbon or right-click the protection group and select Report.

The report contains the following data:

  • Cumulative session statistics: details of the session performance, including the number of protected computers in the protection group and the number of newly discovered computers.
  • Detailed statistics for every protected computer processed within the session: DNS name, IP address and operating system of the protected computer, list of warnings and errors (if any).



You can also set up Veeam Backup & Replication to send reports automatically by email. To learn more, see Enabling Email Reporting.

View Rescan Job Report

Page updated 8/27/2024

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