Incremental Backup

You can perform an incremental backup by using the BRBACKUP command with the rman_util parameter. An incremental backup contains the changed data from the last full backup. Incremental backups use less media and resources than full backups.

Example: Performing Incremental Backup in Online Mode

brbackup -p $Oracle_HOME/dbs/ -t online -d rman_util -m incr -u <user>/<password>

Run the brbackup command with the following parameters:

  1. Specify the path to the initialization profile file ($Oracle_HOME/dbs/ as the argument for the -p (-profile) parameter.
  2. Specify online_force as the argument for the -t (-type) parameter. With this option, BRBACKUP performs backup of the database in the online state.
  3. Specify util_file as the argument for the -d (-device) parameter.
  4. Set incr as the argument for the -m (-mode) parameter.
  5. Specify credentials that will be used to connect to the database as the argument for the -u (-user) parameter. For details, see this SAP article.

To see all brbackup command options, see the Command Options for BRBACKUP section in the SAP Database Guide: Oracle.

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