Importing/Exporting Plug-in Settings

You can export a Veeam Plug-in configuration file and apply the plug-in settings to other servers.


The password included in the configuration file is encrypted. Thus, after you import the configuration file, you must set the credentials manually in the Veeam Plug-in configuration wizard.

To export the configuration file to another server, do the following:

For Linux and Unix

  1. On the server where Veeam Plug-in is installed, go to /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN.
  2. Copy the veeam_config.xml file to the server where you want to configure the plug-in.
  3. Install Veeam Plug-in on the new server and place the copied XML file in the /opt/veeam/VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN folder.
  4. Set new credentials that Veeam Plug-in will use to log in to the Veeam Backup & Replication server using the following command:

OracleRMANConfigTool --set-credentials 'serv\username' 'password'

For Microsoft Windows

  1. On the server where Veeam Plug-in is installed, go to %PROGRAMFILES%\Veeam\VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN\.
  2. Copy the veeam_config.xml file to the server where you want to configure the plug-in.
  3. Install Veeam Plug-in on the new server and place the copied XML file in the %PROGRAMFILES%\Veeam\VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN\ folder.
  4. Set new credentials that Veeam Plug-in will use to log in to the Veeam Backup & Replication server using the following command:

%PROGRAMFILES%\Veeam\VeeamPluginforOracleRMAN\OracleRMANConfigTool.exe --set-credentials "serv\username" "password"

Page updated 7/9/2024

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