Deploying Plug-in for Certificate-Based Authentication

You have an option to install Veeam Plug-in on Linux computers using certificate-based authentication instead of credentials. To do so, you must install Veeam Deployer Service on the computer and then add the computer to a protection group of the Individual computers type. In this case, Veeam Backup & Replication does not require SSH connection to install Veeam Plug-in.

Deploying Veeam Plug-in

To deploy Veeam Plug-in using pre-installed Veeam Deployer Service, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Veeam Backup & Replication side, start a Veeam PowerShell session. For more information, see the Starting Veeam PowerShell Sessions in the Veeam PowerShell Reference.
  1. Run the Generate-VBRBackupServerDeployerKit cmdlet to generate the Veeam Deployer Service certificate and export the Veeam Backup & Replication Deployer Client certificate and Veeam Deployer Service installation packages.
  1. Upload the obtained files on the computer which database you want to protect.
  1. On the side of the computer with Veeam Plug-in, navigate to the directory where you have saved the files and install Veeam Deployer Service using a package manager.
  1. Run the following commands to install the certificates:

/opt/veeam/deployment/veeamdeploymentsvc --install-server-certificate server-cert.p12
/opt/veeam/deployment/veeamdeploymentsvc --install-certificate client-cert.pem
/opt/veeam/deployment/veeamdeploymentsvc --restart

  1. On the Veeam Backup & Replication side, create a protection group with the following parameters:
  1. At the Type step of the wizard, select Individuals computers.
  2. At the Computers step of the wizard, specify a computer and select the Connect using certificate-based authentication method to connect to the computer.

To learn more, see Specifying Computers.

After you create the protection group, Veeam Backup & Replication will rescan the protection group. During the rescan operation, Veeam Backup & Replication will connect to the Veeam Deployer Service and install Veeam Plug-in. To learn more, see Rescan Job.

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Page updated 8/22/2024

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