Exporting Latest State

To export data as of the latest available state to the default location, do the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, select a database.
  2. On the Database tab, select Export Files > Export latest state to Desktop\<db_name>.

Alternatively, right-click a database and select Export files > Export latest state to Desktop\<db_name>.


The name of the export option depends on the restore point you select during the application item restore process in the Veeam Backup & Replication console.

  • If you select the most recent available restore point, the option name is displayed as Export latest state to Desktop\<db_name>.
  • If you select any other restore point, the option name is displayed as Export state of <point_in_time> to Desktop\<db_name>.

Using 1-Click Export of Single Database

Page updated 1/26/2024

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