Microsoft 365 Account

You can authorize Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange to send email notifications on behalf of your Microsoft 365 account. To send email messages, Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange communicates with the Microsoft Graph API. For authentication, Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange uses an access token issued by the Microsoft identity platform. To acquire an access token, you can either use an application preinstalled by Veeam Backup & Replication or specify details of the custom Azure AD application registered in the Azure portal. For more information on obtaining client credentials, see Registering Application in Azure Portal.

To configure sending email messages on behalf of your Microsoft 365 account, do the following:

  1. In the main menu, click General Options.
  2. Open the Mail Settings tab.
  3. Select the Enable sending emails check box.
  4. From the Mail server drop-down list, select Microsoft 365 (modern authentication).
  5. Do one of the following:
  • To use an application preinstalled by Veeam Backup & Replication, click Authorize now and enter credentials of your Microsoft 365 account to complete authentication.
  • To use the custom application, click Advanced to specify the advanced settings, then click Authorize now and enter credentials of your Microsoft 365 account to complete authentication.
  1. In the From field, specify the email address to be shown as a sender.
  2. In the Send a test email to field, specify the email address to which Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange sends a test email message.
  3. Click Send to send a test email message.
  4. Click OK.


You can change the sender email address. To send email notifications on behalf of another Microsoft 365 account, specify a new email address in the From field and click Re-authorize.

Configuring Mail Settings

Configuring Advanced Settings

In the Microsoft 365 Application Settings window, select the Use custom application registration settings check box and specify:

  1. In the Application client ID field, specify an identification number of your Azure AD application.

You can find this number in an application settings in your Azure Active Directory. For more information, see this Microsoft article.

  1. In the Tenant ID field, specify Azure Active Directory tenant ID.

Configuring Microsoft 365 Application Settings

Page updated 4/4/2024

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